No kinkshaming, but…

By Anonymous - 04/12/2018 15:00 - United States - Saint Joseph

Today, I realized that my husband's preferred sexual activities not only don't require me to take off my clothes, but go much better for him when I don't. He doesn't get why this makes me self-conscious about getting naked in front of him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 237
You deserved it 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could always go the other way with this. Let him have his fully-clothed fetish (does he stay dressed, as well?) during sex, and then while you're doing other things around the house, get naked. If you've got it, you might as well flaunt it, right? And ladies, y'all know y'all got it.

I was born naked... Not sure why your hubby does that. Hopefully things work out.


Itsbeenalong 5

There's a very obvious solution here that OP seems to be missing. You want to feel sexy, he prefers sex with you wearing clothes. So go shopping, buy some clothes that embrace your figure and make you feel a million bucks. Take hubby with you because clearly clothing is his thing. Then either go home, undress and then re-dress in the new clothing in front of him..... you can then both get your kicks.... or get him to take you out wearing said you outfit, all eyes on you. Win win. OP you need to change your prespective a bit this doesn't have to be an FML

Maybe it would help if he would even try to get her complaint. You make it sound like OP is the only problem in this conversation.

Hey, mine’s preference was to do those activities with his best friend... could be worse.

His fetish may not have ANYTHING to do with his he views you sexually undressed. just communicate with him and be honest. You're in a relationship for a reason. Let love guide you and be open +