No, not now!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - Estonia - Tartu

Today, in a hardware store, I had to physically restrain my senile grandpa from trying to take a crap in one of the display toilets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 740
You deserved it 1 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What I've found is that after a certain age you stop giving a shit and in this case, start taking *****


Sounds like a shitt-*gets shot and stabbed multiple times*

He may just wanted to "test" the product. 'Wink. Wink'. ?

pins91 27

I thought it said disabled toilets. ... I was like. .. there's nothing wrong with that hahaha

Who else thought of Jackass when the read this?

Care of the senile is no joke, well done OP. Thank you for giving a damn, and I'm sure the employees would thank you if they knew what hell you saved them from.

Hey, they let you test fund cars. Why should crappers be any different?