No, not now!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - Estonia - Tartu

Today, in a hardware store, I had to physically restrain my senile grandpa from trying to take a crap in one of the display toilets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 728
You deserved it 1 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What I've found is that after a certain age you stop giving a shit and in this case, start taking *****


Old age is a rough mistress. At least you love him enough to help him out.

Seems like I've seen this in a few movies and tv shows

What I've found is that after a certain age you stop giving a shit and in this case, start taking *****

He must have got the idea from the first Jackass movie.

And your reward for your heroic deed: changing his crap-filled diaper. That ain't right.

mcruff 12

Donald glover can kinda relate to this

As a former hardware store employee who has had to deal with that situation taken to its disgusting completion, I thank you on behalf of those who did not have to deal with it on this occasion. They know not from what you saved them.