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Nobody wins

By Anonymous - 22/04/2021 08:01

Today, I found that the product we shipped and what the salesman billed don't match. It's my job to flag such issues, as they cost the company money. The salesman asked me to shut up and be his accomplice, as it was done to please the client. The sales manager had to agree, but said I was causing trouble. FML
I agree, your life sucks 957
You deserved it 81

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Better polish up your resume. For all intents and purposes, you're on the TITANIC, your boss is Full-Speed-Ahead, and the radio is squawking about icebergs...

I mean ya did you expect them to act differently? if it's your job to report these things that means the fault will fall on you if this gets out. they make the customer happy and put the risk on you, it's a win win for them


I mean ya did you expect them to act differently? if it's your job to report these things that means the fault will fall on you if this gets out. they make the customer happy and put the risk on you, it's a win win for them

Better polish up your resume. For all intents and purposes, you're on the TITANIC, your boss is Full-Speed-Ahead, and the radio is squawking about icebergs...

thatswhatshesaid 3

Pleasing the client doesn't mean when inventory time comes around again, that you won't be "punished" mentioned, go above manger's head.

Uh. No. It's your job to flag issues, not be compliment in unethical practices. I hope you did your job and covered your ass, as well as documented that they tried to shut you up

This is dubious at best, and criminal at worst. The only reasons for this are 1. Defrauding the client (illegal) 2. Giving an unauthorized discount to the client (unethical, harmful to the company, but possibly not explicitly illegal.) 3. Avoiding shipment regulations, import taxes, etc. (illegal) or 4. Money laundering, corruption and/or kickbacks (also illegal). Doesn’t say where you are, but if there are solid whistleblower laws there, you may want to contact the appropriate regulatory agency/law enforcement.