Noise annoys

By Anonymous - 07/01/2021 04:58 - Germany

Today, the cows on the neighboring farm have been lowing loudly for 3 days straight. The guy who runs the farm is unreachable. The people who own the farm and live right next to the stable claim they don’t hear a thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 723
You deserved it 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

Lowing? Mooing? Not really sure what you expect to happen here, if you live THAT close to a farm, you kinda gotta expect that.

mickymoose1 15

As someone who grew up on a farm, I can confidently say that farm animals do make noise, if you're so upset by it, maybe use earplugs at night. unless there is something wrong with the cattle, calling the farmer is going to be a waste of time. I do understand how annoying it is though when you can't get any sleep for days due to the noise, but such is farm life. hope you're able to figure something out


tounces7 27

Lowing? Mooing? Not really sure what you expect to happen here, if you live THAT close to a farm, you kinda gotta expect that.

Sounds like udder bullshit to me! How dairy cow tow to the absent farmer!

mickymoose1 15

As someone who grew up on a farm, I can confidently say that farm animals do make noise, if you're so upset by it, maybe use earplugs at night. unless there is something wrong with the cattle, calling the farmer is going to be a waste of time. I do understand how annoying it is though when you can't get any sleep for days due to the noise, but such is farm life. hope you're able to figure something out

sarahcroy20 12

I'm not really sure what you expect anyone to do. They're cows. They make noise.