
By Tgreject - 16/08/2009 04:33 - United States

Today, I was planning on asking out a girl I've been really close to for a few months now. I was with her when I got a forward text from my friend. It was from the girl and it said, "Noooo tell him not to ask me out I don't like him." I got rejected via a forwarded text before I could tell her how I felt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 494
You deserved it 3 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You have a good friend. Be glad he warned you beforehand so you didn't have to go through it.

SyndicatedAlias 0

See, at least you didn't tell her and have to face her in a direct confrontation! Be optimistic, there are always more fish in the sea, hun!


Look at it this way OP, you would have been more upset to be rejected in person. But then again, either way it does suck to hear that she doesn't like you back. So I feel your pain.

triplethreat13 0

i have to ask guys out for my friends all the time, and i make the guys give the answer to the girls face-to-face, even if i ask them in a text or email. people need to have the decency to give a straight answer face-to-face, whether it's acceptance or rejection.

Jackshuman 0

Well... try to think about it from the girl's point of view. I've definitely been there before. I have a few guy friend's who have tried to ask me out, and i try to get my friends to help him see i don't like him, so he won't be hurt when i have to reject him. Stuff happens, you'll get over it, don't worry.

You're a wimp, tell your guy friends yourself. If he finds out you don't like him he'll probably be just as crushed.

People(guys too, I would know) feel a lot worse when you don't have the guts to tell them yourself. As clearly demonstrated in this FML.

Grow some balls and tell them in person. You don't deserve a boyfriend if you can't even talk to someone face to face.

i_is_a_tr00l 0

Did Becky tell you about the party tonight? We HAVE to go and get our lips waxed beforehand. Do you want me to hold your hand? It was so embarassing last time when you cried! Ohemghee, we SO need to get our toenails cut too. Are you going to clean the fungus out your toenails? I cleaned mine yesterday. ÖMG! We need to get our hair died all black so we can, lyke, chill with that aids man Robert Pattinson. Is you in guuurl? :D

i have the same problem but im to worried im gonna screw things up i really like her and i dont know wat to do, btw i forgot to say shes already dating my friend, fml

ugh, guys like you make me sick. stop hanging around for some girl you "love" but can't be with. things don't end like they do in movies. if you think she will "eventually fall for you", you are such a loser that you deserve her when she comes to use you between relationships. grow up

andlifesuxagain 0

Hit reply all, and start off by thanking them for joining the meeting.

moonlight_daze 8

YDI for referring to soft drinks as "tonic".

Ironically the same thing happened to me BUT that forward txt said "Yes please get him to ask me" :)