
By Tgreject - 16/08/2009 04:33 - United States

Today, I was planning on asking out a girl I've been really close to for a few months now. I was with her when I got a forward text from my friend. It was from the girl and it said, "Noooo tell him not to ask me out I don't like him." I got rejected via a forwarded text before I could tell her how I felt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 494
You deserved it 3 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You have a good friend. Be glad he warned you beforehand so you didn't have to go through it.

SyndicatedAlias 0

See, at least you didn't tell her and have to face her in a direct confrontation! Be optimistic, there are always more fish in the sea, hun!


Look on the bright side, it's exceptionally awkward for both parties being turned down by a close friend. You managed to avoid this =)

thereitgo 1

this is actually a good thing. you have a good friend and you can still remain close with the girl without any added awkwardness. she was being nice with the "tell him not to ask me out" because she didn't want to hurt your feelings by rejecting you (at least, literally rejecting you and not in a roundabout way. lol)

If you're not meant to be with her, you'll find someone else eventually. Good luck. [:

You've been PREJECTED! Sucks to be you, but at least you've inspired a new word in the English language. pre * ject, v. To deny a request before it is made. Usage example: I saw that creepy dude leering at me with his hand down his pants as if he had a chance with me, so I prejected him to prevent him from even asking.

tpag3r 0

i would just like to let you know i am putting that on urban dictionary edit:never mind its already there

Cool. It wasn't in any of my dictionaries and if any word deserved to exist, "preject" would be a leading candidate. That would be funny if colleges starting sending out prejection letters to high-school sophomores and juniors saying, "Don't bother, you don't have a chance."

I always preject, it seems. I like to randomly say "No" when someone's about to tell me something, just to be a douche, and most of the time it actually is something to say no to. Awesome. @OP: That sucks. She's not worth it. Or, if it is a fake forward, perhaps your friend knows something you don't?

star_ver 0

Plexico that is genius, man. Too funny. XD

God, Plexico. How do you do it? You're ******* hilarious. This, though, was possibly the best thing I've ever seen you write. Well, this and the "head cheerleader" thing.

Thank you, intoxicunt. To answer your question, I don't know -- it just comes "natchurly." I am glad you like what I'm doing and let me know it. It makes it all the more fun.

You ******* idiot, you have no way of knowing she was talking about you! Press onward and ask her!

you_and_me_fml 8

aww :( its ok there are other girls out there

babymandi 0

awh =/ im so sorry =/ iv had that happened but kinda my best frined told me the guy didnt like me like that way, and i fall for guys way to easly and fast but it'll be okay : ) i promise