
By revalc - 16/08/2009 04:35 - Canada

Today, I'm having my housewarming party and had prepared food, drink, and games for all the 19 confirmed guests on Facebook. I waited till 11, but nobody showed up. I checked Facebook again and realized I had accidentally put tomorrow as the party date. I have to work the whole day tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 603
You deserved it 51 866

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's ok. My friend did that too. I hope you can fix it up and reschedule. Everyone makes mistakes. :D


You suck, and no one cares you're first. Reschedule to next weekend! Or drink everything you had so you wouldn't remember work. lol

Stoner09 0

#6 obviously you do if you made the point to tell me so :P

waterynuggets 0

You're a dumbass. Congrats, sorry for your loss.

Stoner09 0

fadakar, obviously you do if you made the point to tell me so :P

#1 just because your first doesn't mean you need to tell us. We already ******* know, it says beside your name. All fadakar was saying is that you don't need to point it out, dumbass.

It's ok. My friend did that too. I hope you can fix it up and reschedule. Everyone makes mistakes. :D

oogyboogy 6

Ya everbody makes mistakes everybody has those days everybody gets thAT way

birds_fml 7

You could just call in sick to work, and then no one would know.

Ouch. That happened to me before. **** your life, but hey, at least you have the food all to yourself q: (:

Errare humanum est. I mean, that wasnt accute stupidity.

YDI for not double checking. I always double check everything because I'm paranoid.

#4 You would deserve it for being paranoid. :D

#8 ; She wouldn't deserve it for being paranoid! It's sometimes good to be stressed.

I hope you're not expecting people to feel sorry for you.

tinyphreak 0

That sucks big time. I wouldn't say that you deserve it but it was your own fault.

Well, it could be worse. At least it was just the date that was wrong, and not all 19 people standing you up.

hahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahahah ydiydidyiyidyidyidyodyidyydiydidy ydi ydi ydi ydi ydi lolllllololollloolololololllolililoôöœøōllllololololololololololololllololl hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahah