Nope, not even once

By Anonymous - 11/09/2024 21:00 - United Kingdom

Today, at a customer's house, I was asked to carry her delivery of six pieces of heavy furniture up to her office. Normally, not a problem, but this insane woman had Witches' Stairs (Google them), which were was an accident begging to happen. She told my boss I was unhelpful, uncooperative, and rude. FML
I agree, your life sucks 395
You deserved it 66

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Witches' Stairs were, was, are, and will be an accident begging to happen for any furniture movers anywhere.

Because adhering to health and safety is such a horribly rude thing to do...


Because adhering to health and safety is such a horribly rude thing to do...

Witches' Stairs were, was, are, and will be an accident begging to happen for any furniture movers anywhere.

What the hell, was she expecting you to hop from stair to stair like Minecraft Steve? Glad you chose safety first.