Not a good sign

By blehhh - 04/04/2009 03:10 - United States

Today, I went to see my gynecologist. She was writing my symptoms up in my chart on her computer. After a little while, I noticed that she had a confused look on her face and was reading something instead. When I took a peek at the computer screen, I saw that she was Googling my symptoms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 98 273
You deserved it 4 584

Same thing different taste

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I've been to 2 different doctor's that searched my problem on wikipedia and then printed the page out for me.

We can see you were first, Fidelis, you have a little #1 to the left of the date and time. And to the OP, I hear that that's not too uncommon, which is really sad, but true.


LOL 11, that is my favourite episode of the Simpsons simply because of "feels like I'm wearing... nothing at all! nothing at all! nothing at all!"

Googling your symptoms and webmd/wikipedia ....great diagnostic techniques first thing they teach in med school XD

I don't quite understand how this is a huge issue. I mean sometimes she may not truly know what your deal is and Google is an efficient search engine. I've done that sometimes for my place of work to kind of get a sense of issues that it may be. I don't put 100% faith in Google giving me the true answer just a starting point to go from. Hell you may have a symptom that doesn't tie into what the gyno thought you had and was seeing what other possibilities it may be. NOW, if she just put in the symptoms and then was like, "well Google says you have _______" then I'd be worried. Hell just be glad she is taking the time to diagnose you... my PCP just kind of looks at me most of the time and then says I'm ok. Takes about 5 minutes to visit him (so yeah if I had something I'm not going to know with my PCP).

I myself google everything. I found out i had vertigo that way, and then i went to my doctor and she confirmed it, i wouldn't use web MD but typing in your symptoms and seeing what comes up isn't THAT bad.

i'm pretty sure all doctors do this. i mean, sure they have their medical textbooks too, but those usually become obsolete after 2 years or so. google is free and provides you with links to more updated information. the only weird thing here is that she was googling your symptoms where you could plainly see them. most doctors see you in the examining room, then excuse themselves to go to their office and do their googling THERE.

lolwhat_fml 0

If she was a real doctor, she should know what symtoms you have, and she deffinately should NOT be looking at google, but perhaps ask a different doctor or something But I feel bad for you :(

kellster 2

Wow, you must have something really weird going on down there!