Not her fault nor mine

By Shut up loser! - 02/12/2019 03:00

Today, my 4 year-old daughter got royally annoyed at my uncle who won't stop surprise tickling her by poking her waist. When he went for another, she punched him square on the nose, making him a laughing stock. Not accepting that he got owned, he started preaching about child discipline to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 531
You deserved it 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Preach back at him about how he should respect your daughters boundaries and tell him to stop tickling her. He wants child discipline? Discipline him.

tounces7 27

Sounds like he's the one who lacks self-control. Even a 4 year old child deserves to be respected if they want someone to stop.


Sound like you have a very smart daughter

Yet another ancient FML relabeled as new...

This is an old post. Does shit not happen in peoples' lives anymore?

EmDizzle2007 28

I SWEAR this exact story has been posted before

why am I having deja vu? I feel like I've read this before...

Excessive tickling especially as a surprise could also result in her peeing herself. So I'd tell him to knock it off.

Good for her! No means no and stop means stop! You should be proud that she stood up for herself, that kind of assertiveness may save her in the future.