Not her fault nor mine

By Shut up loser! - 02/12/2019 03:00

Today, my 4 year-old daughter got royally annoyed at my uncle who won't stop surprise tickling her by poking her waist. When he went for another, she punched him square on the nose, making him a laughing stock. Not accepting that he got owned, he started preaching about child discipline to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 531
You deserved it 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Preach back at him about how he should respect your daughters boundaries and tell him to stop tickling her. He wants child discipline? Discipline him.

tounces7 27

Sounds like he's the one who lacks self-control. Even a 4 year old child deserves to be respected if they want someone to stop.


I'm glad she did because I had an uncle who would do that and it was really horrible because I couldn't breathe but he still wouldn't stop... (why are uncles like this???lol)

I'm glad she did because I had an uncle who would do that and it was really horrible because I couldn't breathe but he still wouldn't stop... (why are uncles like this???lol)

Jesus. His "best case" scenario is that he was bullying a 4 year old and got owned. His worst case scenario is that people start calling him a pedo because he would. not. stop. touching a young girl against her wishes. Ask him which of those he prefers to be spread around, and that the longer he complains the closer he moves to the second case.

Everytime my sisters 2 and a half year old son sees me he goes full tantrum because I an the only person he Ever here's a no from my parents(his grandpa and grandma) would not punish him. and my sister would not either. So me and my brother in law are the only bad guys in his eyes...and I love the kid but I am starting to enjoy every time he is in the shit

crashtestdumplin 16

This is a good sign, she sticks up for herself and will do so in other inappropriate instances. Encourage it! Everyone handles trauma differently, but I was “disciplined” at that exact age for similar behavior, so I lost my childhood; and now I am royally screwed up. The end.

I hope that you, didn't allow him near her. after that cause he really does, sound like a pedo.