Not now, bowels!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I finally felt the effects of a laxative that I took last night. This morning, when I was in the dentist's chair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 130
You deserved it 7 120

Top comments

perdix 29

The dentist must be like a very confused oilman -- he starts drilling one hole and a gusher comes out of another! Poor Uncle Jed.


Brings a whole new meaning to when the dentist says "Open wide"

YDI for being a pill-popper, for not eating enough fiber, for visiting a dentist EVER, and for using sentence fragments.

when I was in hospital for 3 weeks I was on 9 laxatives a day for a week or so, these didn't kick in for about a week but then did and continued to over a week or two.

since when did people get so pissy about grammar? This is the internet, not a college research essay. geesh

Since language was developed. There are still some of us out there who respect the language enough to use it properly, irrespective of the context. I put it that way (rather than calling you names and cursing at you) because you're young and new here. Stick around and you'll see innumerable instances of the so-called Grammar Nazis tearing people apart. Grab your popcorn.

Exactly, people come on this site to have a few laughs not get attacked by grammar Nazis.

You can have laughs without disrespecting the English language. All we ask is that you know how to use words like they're, their, there, you're, and your properly and that you don't use "txt tlk". It's not hard to spell out your words and use common sense to differentiate between what sounds phonetically correct and what is grammatically correct.

It's not that the Grammar Nazis set out specifically to champion correct use of language across teh interwebz, it's just that it's annoying to see the horrible mangling of the language in posts. You'll notice that most of the people that get corrected are ranting assholes who need to be taken down a peg, and it's just fun to screw with them. If someone makes a genuine typo, they're usually left alone. To the people that say it doesn't matter, and your argument is still valid, you have to realise that to a lot of people, using horrible language in writing is the equivalent to drooling during pauses in a conversation. It doesn't negate what you said, but it certainly makes people question the validity of your thought process.

samiboy9 0

this is like the one I just read about Swedish chocolate

hahaha. if only i was there to see his/her face.

never take it at night! or when you have to go somewhere the next day.

leezylvl3 3

Took a day to set in? That's a shitty laxative!

asdmike9 0

thats why you should know it takes a few hours to take effect and thus not plan anything for a day and take them in the morning