Not now, bowels!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I finally felt the effects of a laxative that I took last night. This morning, when I was in the dentist's chair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 130
You deserved it 7 120

Top comments

perdix 29

The dentist must be like a very confused oilman -- he starts drilling one hole and a gusher comes out of another! Poor Uncle Jed.


brittanyrmh_ 12

I can only imagine how mortifying that must have been...

Yeah, YDI for taking a laxative at night when you have plans the next morning.. Laxatives do seem to spring up on you at unexpected times and can sometimes last up to two days.. Make sure you book your toilet in for the next day if you're going to take laxatives at night time!

Why would you do that? Most laxatives take 12-24 hours to take effect. This isn't the movies. You sure learn a lot about poop working in a group home...

gatorgirl7563 22

Does no one read the direction on a laxative box before taking one? You're supposed to take one the night before you want to poop and then be available to poop anywhere between breakfast and a late lunch !!!