Oh no…

By OhWait - 23/10/2015 00:18 - United States - Schenectady

Today, after six weeks of dealing with various exterminators, my roommate and I were about to toast to what we were told was a wasp-free room. That's when we noticed several much smaller wasps flying around. Not only is our wasp problem not solved, but our room is a wasp breeding ground. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 097
You deserved it 1 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, it seems that burning your house down is the only sensible solution. Good luck with that, dude.

Consider moving out and sanitizing all your stuff so you don't transport the wasps to the new place if you do


How are you being so calm? I would have torched the house by now.

A07 48

they can sting through those....i know from personal experience

i have been stung through one of those before. not fun

blazie999 15

When they said wasp-free, they meant free wasp.

That must really bug you and your roommate

You're living my worst nightmare. R.I.P you.

tiredofwaiting 25

Is it possible there are just a few leftover wasps that haven't come in contact with the treatment yet? I'm an exterminator and sometimes you have to give it a few days to totally kill them all.

The post says six weeks of dealing with exterminators. Shouldn't it have worked by then?

Just accept your loss, and live under their rule.

Burn incense, maybe it will help drive them away

Welcome to NY... You get what you pay for.