Oh no…

By OhWait - 23/10/2015 00:18 - United States - Schenectady

Today, after six weeks of dealing with various exterminators, my roommate and I were about to toast to what we were told was a wasp-free room. That's when we noticed several much smaller wasps flying around. Not only is our wasp problem not solved, but our room is a wasp breeding ground. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 097
You deserved it 1 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, it seems that burning your house down is the only sensible solution. Good luck with that, dude.

Consider moving out and sanitizing all your stuff so you don't transport the wasps to the new place if you do


lexiieeex3 32

Definitely call the exterminator and appeal for a free removal or get your money back. Sorry you have to go through this OP. False hope is a bitch.

You mean to tell me you had a wasp problem for over six weeks? If I saw a wasp in my house, it wouldn't even take me six seconds to haul my ass outta there. Hope everything works out, OP

I had a wasp problem, find their entry point into your house and out of your house, spray bee killer in there, and cover up the hole with cauc (not sure how to spell that)

Recommend you look for a new place and sanitize everything, not only that, put up sticky paper to catch them. Years ago I had a flying ants problem for three weeks in my room, that was not so cool trust me. also, I recommend some traps you put soda in to catch them incase you got any pets that you don't want to get infected by pesticides

We just finished (hopefully) dealing with this as well! They have almost certainly built a hive in your wall and you need to have someone open up the wall and remove it. Our guy said he also had to cut out and throw away the insulation that was in there because it was covered in their pheromones and could attract others to come build there again in the future.

If I could make a suggestion, Get permission from the fire marshal to burn that room the fvck down