Over the rainbow bridge

By Anonymous - 05/05/2024 03:00 - United States - White Plains

Today, I walked outside and found our kitten, my kids' favorite pet, convulsing and choking on the carport. Nothing we did helped and she died in my arms five minutes later. We've buried her, and I'm dreading going home and telling my boys that she's passed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 473
You deserved it 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tiptoppc 19

Sounds like someone poisoned it. Or it got into something poisonous

Vesi 29

OK carport.. cats are inclined to lick engine coolant. This of course, kills them. Please for all that is good in this world.. keep any new cats you get *inside*. Not only for their own health and longevity, but for the health and longevity of wild animals.


tiptoppc 19

Sounds like someone poisoned it. Or it got into something poisonous

Vesi 29

OK carport.. cats are inclined to lick engine coolant. This of course, kills them. Please for all that is good in this world.. keep any new cats you get *inside*. Not only for their own health and longevity, but for the health and longevity of wild animals.