Passive parenting

By Anonymous - 16/10/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, my 6 year-old son has been using his tablet before bed, and he has been staying up until 12am when his bedtime is 8pm. I think his tablet is why, since he plays games and watches YouTube before bed. He also has the tablet in bed while he’s sleeping. Why does he need to use his tablet overnight? FML
I agree, your life sucks 7
You deserved it 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Because a daft parent permits the excessive use of a tablet instead of reading a bedtime story from a book to the poor child.


Take it from him! You’re the parent, act like it. Do you also let him set the rest of the rules, like an all-sugar diet, or coloring on walls? This method of parenting is not doing him any favors. You’re setting yourselves up for disaster as he gets older.

TomeDr 24

He doesn’t NEED his tablet! Take it from him and BE THE PARENT! Give him a book and let him read for 30 minutes and then lights out. Yes, he’ll put up a fuss at first but unless you start putting down firm boundaries now, you’ll have a nightmare on your hands.

d j mom 7

the fact that you're letting him continue this after it became a pattern means you're an idiot. hell I've stayed up too late sometimes because of my phone. yet I'm an adult and I know not to do it every night. he's only 6, simply take it away after an hour.

Because a daft parent permits the excessive use of a tablet instead of reading a bedtime story from a book to the poor child.