
By merchgirl - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Arlington

Today, my mother-in-law scheduled her neck surgery for the same day our baby is being born. She also fully expects my husband to drive her to the hospital and stay for her recovery. Uh, yeah no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 099
You deserved it 1 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

species4872 19

Should give her the ******* sausage from the handbag.

Go to the same hospital then he can kill two birds with one stone


That really sucks. My mother in law was ridiculously overbearing when we had our youngest daughter because she was moving 2 days after I came home and expected me to pack up her house and clean it while dealing with all 4 kids and recovering from surgery. My poor husband has been put in the middle more times than I can count and no matter how many times he tries to explain to her that he has other obligations she still blows up and plays the victim. I wish I could say it gets better but after 10 years it's not looking good lol

Someone needs to straight up tell her to **** off

linnie_wesker 20

No no no no no, do not listen to #2 or anyone telling you to work with your MIL, OP. Don't back down or it will just get worse and worse, take it from someone that also has a batshit insane MIL. I cut contact with mine completely and my husband barely even talks to her because he can't believe how attention seeking and awful she is to me. Yours is clearly trying to see how much she can get away with so cut that shit off right now or you'll regret it.

If she scheduled the surgery for the expected due date, maybe. But birth isn't always the predicted day... But if the surgery was scheduled first, its not her fault you gave birth that day

I'm guessing since OP is speaking with certainty, she booked a C-section

Wow! Man I would be right there with you guys looking forward seeing my grandchild! No.. this lady had to be all about her. Please follow up. Congrats on your new addition!

You don't know for sure when you're having a baby

I do actually. I'm having a scheduled c section. So we know the time and date. You almost knew everything ??

willem44 5

your baby won't necessarily be born on that date. they could be born earlier or later.

mermaidgirle 12

To have a certain due date speaks of a C section, or her labor being induced. My sister was scheduled and induced because of her gestational diabetes. I would play devil's advocate and suggest the MIL couldn't find another date for her surgery, bit this just reeks of her trying to steal the day from OP.

Hope your husband doesn't break his neck for her

Give your MIL an inch, she'll take a mile the next time. You need to shut that shut down, no exceptions.

This one is a clear FML for the husband. Every girl cries about her husband being the mummy's boy, but wants and raises her son to be one. Unless you are having a planned C-Sec your MIL could not have known when you were going to have your boy and then schedule her surgery to clash with yours. I saw the "My husband" part you wrote and wondered if he is also your MIL's "my son"? Also does he have any balls or you guys decided to split them between you two??

Getting caught between two women is always an FML for the guy