
By merchgirl - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Arlington

Today, my mother-in-law scheduled her neck surgery for the same day our baby is being born. She also fully expects my husband to drive her to the hospital and stay for her recovery. Uh, yeah no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 099
You deserved it 1 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

species4872 19

Should give her the ******* sausage from the handbag.

Go to the same hospital then he can kill two birds with one stone


I don't get the behaviour of the MIL. I mean she had a baby herself. She should know. So I guess she either wants to really hurt OP or is a major narcissist who doesn't give a shit about other people. I really hope the husband clearly took a stand for his wife.

OP here. She is kind of self centered if you couldn't tell. She also told me before all this that she needs to hold the baby as soon as he's born to bond with him. She's crazy. Also, my OB doesn't delivery at her hospital and even if she did, I wouldn't do that.

writergirl1029 17

What the hell? He's not her kid. He needs to bond with his parents first.

So why get a neck surgery at the same day then if she wants to hold him so early? It sounds as if this behaviour is never going to stop, so in your position I would cut ties with her or just move far away from her so you still can have contact but are saved from a lot of the crazy.

1. She had a C-Section scheduled. 2. Being induced doesn't always mean you are having the baby that day. It can happen, but could still be 2 days out (unlikely but has happened). 3. The MIL is expecting the husband to drive her to the hospital and stay until she goes home. That means that he has to drop everything to do what she wants him to do. 4. The husband needs to help his wife with recovery regardless of C-section or natural birth. More so with a C-Section. With that being said, there are things that can go wrong. The husband goes with his mother, dump him. He is not worth being with. There are so many things that can go wrong with birth (natural and C-Section). OP, I would not let your MIL see the baby for awhile. She does not deserve too. I know when I had my daughter, I almost died by bleeding out. I needed a transfusion. Your MIL needs to get over herself, and you need to stand your ground. Others have said it, if you don't now, she will do so much worse later. It may lead to no contact. Which sucks, but it is what is best for your kid(s).

I hope you both went no contact from that vile woman.