
By merchgirl - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Arlington

Today, my mother-in-law scheduled her neck surgery for the same day our baby is being born. She also fully expects my husband to drive her to the hospital and stay for her recovery. Uh, yeah no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 099
You deserved it 1 143

Same thing different taste

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species4872 19

Should give her the ******* sausage from the handbag.

Go to the same hospital then he can kill two birds with one stone


Let's be realistic here, the odds of that due date being exactly right are likely not great. It's a general guide, not a set in stone timer. Her surgery is likely necessary and must be scheduled when the hospital has an opening. As much as it sucks that there is a possibility of overlap, your husband will likely have no real scheduling conflict. I think you can handle being without him for a few minutes, it's his mother we are talking about

Since she is talking about a day with certainty it is likely she is going to be induced or possibly have a c section.

Even if it was only an expected due date, it's still horrible that the mother in law demands him to be at her disposal. I'm due in February, and my husband is damn right unavailable for important appointments. He will be in stand by to drop anything he is doing, so he's not making any big plans.

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23, I wouldn't say so? My mother had to schedule her C-section with my youngest brother like, three or four months in advance because they didn't think she would survive another natural birth. It's not as rare as you imply.

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My sister has her c-section and inducing scheduled from her first scan. Months in advance and there was to be no rescheduling it.

cootiequeen4444 11

I've had family (Two generations of them) schedule c-section in advanced just to make things easier for everyone. I don't recall any rescheduling of any of the ones I was alive for. I don't know about the thing where you induce a "natural" birth. But scheduling a C section is very common. If one isn't afraid of surgery, I don't know why people wouldn't do this. sitting on edge waiting for one's water to break at any given moment sounds like it would suck. In a nerve-wracking sort of way I mean. As the having a baby thing is exciting and all. Just ..uncertainty isn't very fun. for most people at least. I mean, a chance the baby could come early But I feel the more certainty a parent has about things, then maybe they can enjoy the perks of being pregnant more. and so on.

John, none of what you said is accurate. And you're being sexist.

The scheduling of births is not rare at all, they have been doing appointments to induce labour and perform C sections for years. Not to mention, doctors are pretty good at predicting days when the mother will give birth. My sister was born on the exact day the doctors predicted. So the fact that the OP is certain about her birth day is pretty reasonable. Also, I'm sorry, maybe this is just how I feel, but when you have a significant other, especially a pregnant one, they are always the priority. The mother-in-law can get someone else to drive and care for her. The husband should be with his wife who could give birth at any time close to that day. In all likelihood, she may very well give birth on that exact day and probably really wants her husband available, not only for support and care after she goes through one of the most strenuous things a human body can go through, but also so he can see his own child come into this world. Sorry, heavily pregnant wife near birth trumps mother's surgery.

Justy101 23

Ugh. C-sections are not at all uncommon. Over 32% of deliveries are c-sections in the United States. These c-sections are booked months in advance with the exception of emergency c-sections. The tone of the fml strongly suggests that the OP is indeed scheduled for a c-section that day, it doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.

You are neglecting to consider the possibly of a scheduled delivery via c-section. She very well probably had the delivery day scheduled months ahead of time, meaning the MIL scheduled her surgery on the same day on purpose.

of course this is a man talking. you have no idea what it's like to give birth. you need your husband there the WHOLE time. you don't just step out for a few minutes when your wife is giving birth sorry.

That sucks. From her point of view, it could be that there is no other time to do it - I don't know how long she has been waiting or how serious the surgery is.

If it was scheduled, it probably isn't so serious that it couldn't be postponed for a day.

But it might have taken a long time to reschedule it.

Sounds like some BS my monster- in-law would pull too. FYL

blackrose1996 11

Not a mother in law that's a monster in law

dguzman92 12

I hope your husband is there to see the birth of your child. Mother in law should think about taking an uber...

ViviMage 38

In the US, they won't release you to a taxi company, because the taxi won't run you to the ER if you have an issue. And medical transport to watch you for an emergency is $800 easy....

dguzman92 12

I didn't know that! interesting.

demonpuppeh 10

Not true. Source: I've done it 3 times

This is one of the few times I've honestly felt bad for someone on this app. It must suck to have to deal with that kind of thing.

She sounds like a real pain in the neck.

Okay, she either needs to postpone that surgery about a month or Lower her expectations for your husband. That's ridiculous.

ViviMage 38

No, you need to lower the expectations of the wife. Mom was there first in life! Wifey should put off labor and delivery for "dear ol' mum". Just mark it later in the calendar! /Sarcasm

ViviMage 38

Is the baby induced labor? Then she darn well knew he was unavailable. I had neck surgeries. I could get around after a few days. The foam neck brace is amazing help.

Ruskiy_Cherep 18

FML for the husband having been forced to choose between his mother and his wife birthing his child.

@Ruskiy_Cherep - There is no choice. OP should be his priority now at all times. The MIL will have to find someone else, especially since she deliberately chose the same date as the birth of OP's and her husband's child.