Pick me

By Sarai - 27/02/2024 18:00 - United States

Today, the man I love chose yet another woman over me. For months and months on end I’ve been trying to make him see that I would make a great girlfriend and life companion, yet he dismisses me and chooses other people. What do they have that I don’t? What do I have to do to be good enough? FML
I agree, your life sucks 190
You deserved it 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you are not his type. get over it and move on. why are you wasting your life pursuing someone who clearly isn't into you in that way?

Nico97 3

so he’s a man child for not being into her? Shocker… men are allowed to have preferences too


Why are you mad at him for not being into you? Doesn’t sounds like he lead you on, Get over it and move on and stop blaming him when he didn’t do anything wrong.

everything about this screams you need professional help. you're obsessing over, and stalking, a man who's not into you and refusing to take no for an answer

Well, desperation could be a factor... you can't force someone to like you. It's time to be an adult and move on. As a movie says, he's just not that into you.

L0life29 6