Pillow Love By FML Videos - 27/11/2018 18:30 Don't take it away! I agree, your life sucks 251 You deserved it 56 Share Tweet Share
Today, I took my hoodie off in public and my shirt accidentally lifted up with it. I've had bad skin problems since I was 12 or 13, and my chest looks horrific as a result. Everyone in my vicinity reacted with horror and called me all sorts of awful names. Nice to know that my appearance makes me that repulsive. FML I agree, your life sucks 640 You deserved it 113
Today, the guy I was dating for over a year would only perform oral on me and never sex. I couldn’t figure out why. We grinded a few times. I got pregnant but couldn’t figure out how, because I didn’t have sex. Apparently his penis, hard, is the size of my pinkie. We were having sex, I just never felt it. FML I agree, your life sucks 824 You deserved it 317
Today, I got rear-ended trying to move off the road because I heard a police siren. It was the radio. FML I agree, your life sucks 8 454 You deserved it 2 500
Today, as usual, my parents hate to see me relax. Every time I'm not working, doing a sport, or doing chores, I must be working on some form of education to keep them at bay. Today, I had the day off and caught up on schoolwork. My parents woke me up at 6 AM by running the vacuum outside my door. "Go mow the lawn, you slob." FML I agree, your life sucks 556 You deserved it 61
Today, during a layover between two flights, I managed to catch a shower. Too bad it was ginger ale and not water. FML I agree, your life sucks 11 500 You deserved it 889
Today, I paid my best friend to not tell my girlfriend about having hooked up with another girl while drunk the other night. He told her anyway. Now I have no girlfriend and I’m $500 poorer. FML I agree, your life sucks 190 You deserved it 3 194
Today, after years of miscarriages and desperately wanting a child, I lost my temper and screamed at my sister after she announced she'd had an abortion last month. Now no one in the family will speak to me, since I referred to her adopted kids as, "Not really her children." FML I agree, your life sucks 174 You deserved it 1 799
Today, I was consoling my drunk husband as he violently emptied his stomach contents into our toilet. One particular retch made me nauseous, and I vomited all down his back, causing him to turn his head and vomit all over the wall. I got to clean it all up. FML I agree, your life sucks 27 746 You deserved it 5 407