Let me be

By I can't move out because of this economy - 04/07/2024 03:00 - United States

Today, as usual, my parents hate to see me relax. Every time I'm not working, doing a sport, or doing chores, I must be working on some form of education to keep them at bay. Today, I had the day off and caught up on schoolwork. My parents woke me up at 6 AM by running the vacuum outside my door. "Go mow the lawn, you slob." FML
I agree, your life sucks 551
You deserved it 59

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"No" is a complete sentence. If they escalate their harassment or threaten to evict you, call the police. You may want to look into publicly funded housing with lower rents, as well.

Not your fault your parents insist on working themselves to death. If they can't take the time to relax, tell them to enjoy their heart attacks and you'll see them on the other side.


"No" is a complete sentence. If they escalate their harassment or threaten to evict you, call the police. You may want to look into publicly funded housing with lower rents, as well.

Not your fault your parents insist on working themselves to death. If they can't take the time to relax, tell them to enjoy their heart attacks and you'll see them on the other side.