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By bleue - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - France - Montberon

Today, in a crowded doctor's waiting room, my two-year-old daughter let rip a loud fart. I asked her, "What do we say?" She replied, "IT'S ME!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 462
You deserved it 4 924

Top comments

That's actually a perfectly valid announcement. Owning up a fart with pride is something magical and special.

hey at least shes honest and proud to be human.


Hunthas 17

That wasn't a nice try. I don't even know what that was.

SystemofaBlink41 27

Probably referring to the "It's a me, Mario!" catchphrase.

why so many thumbs down!? that was awesome!

hey at least shes honest and proud to be human.

badmandilon 19

At least she didn't say: "it was YOU!!"

That's actually a perfectly valid announcement. Owning up a fart with pride is something magical and special.

Absolutely! Own those farts people and wear that cloud of nauseating gas like a badge of honor. No use pretending you don't fart, 'cause we know you do!

Kids do the darndest things. Just tell her to say excuse me, next time.

#49, what do you think OP was expecting their daughter to say?

Andrewski12 18

sounds cute to me. not an fml

Makes me think of Jim Carrey in Liar Liar.

ber4fun 23

Yes, that hilarious elevator scene!

lilly665 15

Lol that was the greatest scene ever

That's actually cute. I would probably chuckle in that case. :) Nothing wrong with children farting in public, it's natural.