Poor good boy

By they don’t die they multiply - 16/11/2021 08:02

Today, after an emergency, my sister’s kids had to spend the night at my house. While I was asleep, they absolutely trashed my place top to bottom. In the morning my sister came in, said, “Wow, what a mess! Bye!” without offering to help clean up or make her kids do it. They drew on my dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 458
You deserved it 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

I don’t understand this. I was never, ever like this as a kid. Even as a little kid. My mom was a single mom, worked a lot, I was babysat often by my aunt and played with cousins my age...so not “cookie cutter” family household but still ok-ish normal upbringing. And in spite of the inconsistency or whatever, I NEVER ******* acted like that. I knew what was allowed and not allowed, what was right and wrong, and I didn’t want to get “In Trouble.” Are kids just different these days? Are people and therefore parents just shittier? What in the ****? How the **** do you let your kids act like that? This isn’t rhetorical, can one of you armchair psychologists please explain it to me lol

"Hey, sis. Here's the bill for the damages. And my rates from here on out are $25 per child per hour. This is non-negotiable. BYE!"


Marcella1016 31

I don’t understand this. I was never, ever like this as a kid. Even as a little kid. My mom was a single mom, worked a lot, I was babysat often by my aunt and played with cousins my age...so not “cookie cutter” family household but still ok-ish normal upbringing. And in spite of the inconsistency or whatever, I NEVER ******* acted like that. I knew what was allowed and not allowed, what was right and wrong, and I didn’t want to get “In Trouble.” Are kids just different these days? Are people and therefore parents just shittier? What in the ****? How the **** do you let your kids act like that? This isn’t rhetorical, can one of you armchair psychologists please explain it to me lol

It's parents who refuse to discipline their children. If the parents want to avoid confrontation and there are no consequences, children learn they can be absolute hellions and they won't get in trouble. My kid knows he'd be grounded from electronics for a month for something like, and have to go clean it up on top of that, so he won't do that. It's the same problem with parents who complain to the teacher about their kids' grades rather than getting mad at their kid for not putting any effort in at school. There are parents who will enable their kids rather than teach them to be decent members of society. I don't know that it's a new phenomenon, but that it may be more common with a change in attitudes towards discipline. Parents have learned that they shouldn't beat their kids for misbehavior, which is good, but they haven't learned effective discipline for their kids without corporal punishment, which is bad.

rotflqtms_ 21

Yeah, I stg none of us acted like that, but my sister's kids...boy oh boy can they tear up a place. I managed to keep my place in check by being behind them every second to make them clean up and stop putting their shoes on in the brand new house. Kids these days are different. No fear of punishment, no actual punishments, the students even in my school as I was growing up, they were awful and could get away with things. If I ever do have kids, I never want them to be this undisciplined.

"Hey, sis. Here's the bill for the damages. And my rates from here on out are $25 per child per hour. This is non-negotiable. BYE!"