Poor little kitty

By Anonymous - 13/01/2022 17:01

Today, I realized the kitten I adopted months ago either has serious attachment issues or the worst case of Stockholm syndrome I've ever seen. Only I can get near him, he can't stand us being over 5 feet apart, he meows until I let him into the bathroom with me, and I feel like a jerk for disliking it. I need space. FML
I agree, your life sucks 904
You deserved it 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

missedhighfivemakessad 4

Nah this is happening with mine. I spoke with my vet about it. Kittens are considered infants until the first year. After that they are adolescent until end of second almost to third year. It’s not that they are clingy. They’re just young and want company same as any child. As they get older they seek independence. I’d suggest you enjoy the time they want to spend with you because there will be a day when they don’t want to be around anyone for days at a time.

Maybe you can try to have one other person give treats to the kitten. Like, every day when you take a shower, this person tries to play with the kitten, give him tiny treats, pet him if he allows it, etc. The kitten will realize this person is not the Antichrist and get used to him/her. Then you can do it again with a third person.


missedhighfivemakessad 4

Nah this is happening with mine. I spoke with my vet about it. Kittens are considered infants until the first year. After that they are adolescent until end of second almost to third year. It’s not that they are clingy. They’re just young and want company same as any child. As they get older they seek independence. I’d suggest you enjoy the time they want to spend with you because there will be a day when they don’t want to be around anyone for days at a time.

Maybe you can try to have one other person give treats to the kitten. Like, every day when you take a shower, this person tries to play with the kitten, give him tiny treats, pet him if he allows it, etc. The kitten will realize this person is not the Antichrist and get used to him/her. Then you can do it again with a third person.

Jon Tessler 14

you fail to realize, "dogs have masters, cats have slaves". the best thing you can do is accept the fact that the little fur ball is gonna be joined at the hip with you for the next 12-15 years.

randybryant799 20

I have a cat that will even try to attack the dog when he comes near me. She's that territorial.

This is what cats are. Unfortunately you didn't do enough research as you only thought they were aloof, you'd have been better off adopting an older cat with similar behaviors to what you wanted. But love this cat and try your best to get him back to not being so needy.

It's probably just a kitten stage. However, some cats are *really* social. We adopted our cat from our next door neighbor, who couldn't give her enough attention. Se would spend 24/7 with us if she could. My wife and I both work from home, and live a sedentary lifestyle, so I am *not* exaggerating when I say she get around 6 hours of lap time every day-- and we need to kick her off our laps when we want to move, she rarely decides to get off on her own. After spending almost every hour that my wife and I are awake near us, she still starts crying within 10 minutes of us closing the bedroom door-- she's been doing this every day for 9 years. If it turns out that you have a cat like that, and if it turns out that it's just too much for you, that doesn't make you a bad person. Heck, one of the reasons a lot of people prefer cats over dogs is that most cats are quite happy to entertain themselves and spend long stretches of hours on their own. If it's not what you're looking for, please just advertise that you have a very social cat, and I guarantee you that such a friendly (needy?) pet will be the perfect companion for someone or someones, and they'll be grateful to you forever for letting them adopt him. But, as others have stated, it's probably just a kitten phase, and if you can gut it out for a few months, you'll probably have a 'normal' cat as your companion. Good luck!

justwanttobesocial...butalsonot 9

He needs a friend to play with, or more toys. He's looking for connection and needs someone as active as him to help initiate playtime. You're probably the one putting in most of the effort to connect so he's going to stick to you like glue. If you have other house members play with him with a string toy or laser or something, he'll start bonding with them, too. It may take some time but probably only a few days of consistent initiation of playtime with him from someone else. Best of luck regardless! It's totally normal to feel like you need space, you're not a bad person for it. Just try to remember to breathe through it and know it'll take patience and work on your end, but a solution is possible!

She’s a kitten. You’re her mother now.

Doom_Kitty 12

That's why people always say 'pets are a lot of work.' because you actually have to work with them...

wysegirl 24

Sounds like you have a toddler. Good luck.