By Noname - 29/10/2011 11:02 - United States
Same thing different taste
By bunnylover - 15/03/2010 16:44 - Canada
By Anonymous - 05/02/2011 06:07 - United States
By rabbitkiller - 20/06/2015 10:42 - China - Wuhai
Road rage
By notapetkiller - 26/07/2016 06:12 - United States - New Hyde Park
Poor Mr Nibbles
By Karlo Kračun - 09/07/2020 08:08
By MegGRRRz - 28/11/2009 15:33 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/04/2014 16:39 - United States
By Rhyno - 05/05/2009 15:37 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/12/2013 16:24 - United States - Cleveland
RIP in peace
By avatarnicole9 - 04/06/2015 05:17 - Canada
Top comments
That's a crappy birthday present.
I always rabbits were fast and smart?
I always #9 was smart.
I always my sentences to make sure they're complete.
#9 not when there faced with a car running them over
Damn she didn't panic. She just wanted you to clean it up
She might have been running to buy a shovel and a new bunny, that's what my parents did
Actually, 9, rabbits, and prey-like creatures, ones who have eyes to the side of there heads, are quite dumb. The ones who are the predators, eyes to the front (humans, foxes), are the smart ones. Why you ask? Because in order to avoid being eaten, all the prey (dumb bunnie) has to do is run. The predator, the fox, has to be smart, cunning, and stalkerish to hunt. As evolution occurs, the bunnies get dumber and the foxes get smarter. No offense to missbunnie
#56 what about sharks? Their eyes are to the side and I'm pretty sure they would kick your ass
70- it's a fact; look it up douchebag.
56- If you're so inclined to point out flaws in the thoughts of others, I will do the same. Take for example your use of run-on sentences, improper use of punctuation, improper spelling of the word "bunny," comma splices and and overall wrong answer.
"and and," Stfu.
#70 Sharks rely on their sense of smell, their vision is actually quite bad.
82- he didn't use a run-on once in his entire comment. Nor did he improperly use a single comma. NOW BACK TO YOUR BRIDGE, TROLL!
Actually, we weren't being critical, he just tried to throw in innocent man under the bus. I wasn't letting that go down. NOT UP IN HERE!
And you're all dumb for calling them a 'troll'. Just because one individual calls another individual out on the internet doesn't make them a troll. So stop using the term improperly. Also, no run-ons were written but they still need to work on their grammar.
His grammar was fine. If you think otherwise you have the english education of a Pygmy.
Fine. But the way they worded it wasn't right.
56, why would the bunnies get dumber as evolution occurs according to your argument? Seems to me that the dumb ones will get caught and eaten while the smart ones will survive (thus making the bunny population smarter over time).
Run rabbit run rabbit.
It's dead....
What d'ya expect, afterall, it's wabbit season.
It's can't run
It's lyrics from an old song....
Rabbit stew anyone?
How are you so stupid?
how am i still living with my mom?? oh wait, i'm 15
Wait wait wait, Why the hell would she let your rabbit outside?
Or maybe, just maybe, the Mom taped the rabbit to the drive way because the rabbit chewed up all of the sides of the rugs in the house so the Mom ran it over from anger. Then again the rabbit could have just tried to run away.
The only possible solution is to kill your mother with hot boiling water and scissors. It's the only way! Trust me, I'm a psychiatrist.
You need help. But don't trust me, I'm not a psychiatrist.
I tgink u gave a serious problem.
I don't get what you're "tginking" right now.
45 seems to have a serious problem with the letter h.
Why scissors? I've been using a dull spoon for all my cutting/stabbing needs.
It sounds like a four yr old wrote this fml
Guess your mother got a little jumpy.
Oh god I'm so sorry… if anything ever happened to my cat I prob wouldn't even know how to react.
One question for you, Why are you dressed up outside of a Kinko's looking store?
^ Best comment ever, Made my day.

That's a crappy birthday present.
The only possible solution is to kill your mother with hot boiling water and scissors. It's the only way! Trust me, I'm a psychiatrist.