
By fmlgrl - 30/07/2012 06:59 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I went to a corner store to restock my chocolate stash. A guy from work walked in to see me and the cashier arguing about the amount of candy I was trying to buy with a jar of pennies. He took one look at me and said, "That time of the month, eh?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 744
You deserved it 27 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blueandpurpleroc 4

A jar of pennies? If I was the cashier I'd want to kill you. Of course if it was that time of the month, I see your desperation.

Pennies: every cashier's worst nightmare.


kiraleann 16

At the store I work at we're allowed to refuse to take large amounts of unrolled change. It holds up the line and it's just extremely inconvenient. A bag of change rolls doesn't cost much, just get one and in the future roll your pennies, and no one will give you shit for wanting to use them.

But sometimes people really deserve it...I hate it if people pay in pennies but once I paid 400€ for a delivery completely in coins as well (around ~3000 coins - it took me three hours until I was sure the amount was correct). I had some problems with an exceptionally lazy delivery guy prior to that who always just threw in a notification that the recipient "wasn't at home".

This is more like an FML for the cashier than for you, Op. If I was the cashier I'd be kicking you out of my store for trying to give me a jar of pennies. Nonetheless, this seems like a funny FML if you think about it.

caitiebug1119 15

A jar of pennies? Really? If I was the cashier and had to count out hundreds of pennies, I would be pissed. Next time, just go to a CoinStar machine or take them to the bank and have them exchanged for paper money and silver coins.

49- they are still made and available

TheyCallMeVe 1

The job of the cashier is to treat all customers with care and take the correct amount of money. Not be an a**hole about how the money's given. I wouldve climbed across the counter. Cashiers probably a moron who can't count pennies.

When you become a cashier they actually tell you that if there is enough of each coin to be rolled you don't have to accept it unless it is. The OP was paying with a jar of pennies, probably meaning there was several dollars in unrolled pennies which wouldn't even fit in the til. I've had to refuse large amounts of coin before for that reason...though I refused to take like $40 in small coins. It really just depends on how much was in that jar.

TheyCallMeVe 1

She was buying some chocolate not an iPad though. She brought a jar not a basket. Guy shouldn't have argued.

You've never had to count too much change at once, have you? By at once I mean NOT at home when you're not being pressed to do it quickly. I must have OCD because I actually enjoy playing with numbers but when I have to count assloads of change it really sucks because one, you'll be surprised just how much you can be shortchanged if you just take the word of the customer that it's the correct amount. Two, once you actually begin counting, lots of times said customer will become upset at you for actually taking the time to count it out, almost as if you're insulting their intelligence. Yes the cashier's job is to treat everyone equally and kindly. What about the rest of the customers? They don't deserve to have to wait just for one person's insensitivity to common courtesy. Plus as far as the manager's concerned, the cashier's job is to treat each customer with the equal amount of TIME. Notice the difference. One customer bitching about not counting change, no one cares. Bunch of customers complaining to corporate or your boss that the cashier was taking too long? You're done. Like I said, common courtesy. Just roll up the damn coins.

I can tell just by your comment that you are not, nor have never been a cashier. Having to count large amounts of change while you have the customer bitching at you will ruin anyone's day. Go become a clerk and see how fast your opinion changes.

TheyCallMeVe 1

I have. It's part of your job. This is a blog about something that happened not life or death you f***** nazis...."she changed tense and is bit***** on here. It's FML YOU MORONS. I'm done. People are idiots. This is an app for Christ sake. Gosh.

davek 36

Speaking as a man, it doesn't have to be "that time of the month" to have a craving for chocolate.

Speaking as a woman, just reading this FML is enough. Now, pardon me while I find the chocolate.

A jar of pennies would be good for whacking. Let's ask him how many pennies he thinks are in the jar, not by guessing or looking.

Voted for both on this one- dont bring a jar of pennies to the store. That does not, however, give someone the right to demean you with a discriminatory accusation referencing your body. That's harassment and completely inappropriate

Coinstar or coin wrappers. But if you choose the latter, redeem them at a credit union. As a former cashier, paying in change, especially pennies, it makes NOBODY happy. When that til closes, the pennies are still there and have to be recounted.