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By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, my mother walked in on me watching porn. As punishment, she sat down and made me watch the rest of it with her as she gave play-by-play commentary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 393
You deserved it 23 053

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"And now the male inserts his penis repeatedly into the female. The female makes sounds indicating pleasure. Now both partners have achieved their climax."


That must have been a very awkward moment OP i'm sorry you had to go through this.

Ya I'm sure not to watch **** where OP can get caught.

Lol our parents aren't angels..they know more than we do!

OP learned that their mom is a freak in the bedroom and to not get caught.

Yes, don't watch **** with mom in the house

He learned that in the future, don't watch **** longer than 5 minutes.

And today was the day that OP learned mom can narrorate **** like a sports commentator. He shoots! He scores!

if i was his mom id say guess whats coming up? not you :)

I really hope it was the good butt stuff, like masive anal insertions...

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Parenting definitely done right, I'd do that to my kids, and give the actors even funnier voices than they already have. I can imagine I'd use voices like Barbie and Ken from the Aqua song. Might put them off for a while.

either they'd learn a lesson... or they'd start watching Barbie ****. Risk-reward.

No, I agree with you #2. Kids are going to watch ****, and it's really not a big deal if they do. Punishing a kid for their sexuality just leads to them feeling guilt and shame about things that are completely natural and can lead to those feelings way into adulthood when they really don't need to be feeling that way about their own bodies and pleasuring themselves.

#93, if you want to go that route, it is kind of a big deal because **** rarely ever accurately represents human interaction/intercourse anyway. Not much to be learned from ****, especially as a girl because a lot of **** (not all) can be degrading and dehumanizing.

Thank you 105! As for 93- yes, masturbation and sexuality is a natural, normal thing that no one should be punished for- but 105's comment has it spot on. **** just teaches teenage boys to **** on a females body wherever they please and add her to a scoreboard. It teaches nothing about love, intimacy, or realistically pleasing a sexual partner while also gratifying oneself. This mom is an awesome parent as far as I'm concerned!

I'd like to know how **** came to be so condemned. In my opinion watching **** is like watching any other form of entertainment. You shouldn't take anything it says as Gospel about how to behave in real life but it can provide you some fun for a little while. If you educate your children properly (and by properly I don't mean making them feel guilty and awkward about watching it) the you children will be aware that **** is purely fantasy in the same way that you aren't going to stumble into Mordor with the one ring tomorrow. That doesn't make it wrong to take pleasure from watching it or to use it as a masturbatory aid. The thing people seem to forget is that the "degrading, dehumanizing" **** is made because people already fantasize about doing that stuff. Men and woman both. Woman always want to complain that **** is degrading to women but 1; Those women signed up for that and you have no right to judge them for getting turned on by it and 2. There are just as many videos of men getting slapped around, stepped on, "forced" etc , more so depending which genre you look at. To each there own. Don't deprive your children of their fantasies, just teach them that pornography is as realistic as the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Otherwise your children will just do like most of the boys I know did when they were younger and start jacking off to shows like Game of Thrones. The amount of murder involved there makes me think that wouldn't be better.

Thank you 126! It's one thing to talk to your kids about how realistic **** is and the possible issues with it, and it's a completely different thing to make them feel bad about watching it. I have fantasies about being dominated, does that make me immoral? Kids understand that **** is fantasy, and as long as you talk to them about consent and boundaries, there shouldn't be an issue.

Yes, #126. Teens should not be made to feel SHAME about watching ****. I do think the Mom in this instance was right. But I hope, if he is under 16 or so and has not had the conversation yet, that she used this to explain that it's important to understand where **** is unrealistic, and that tenderness is important in making love, and he should not assume that all girls are down to do the stuff in the videos. Just have a natural sexuality and consent talk.

You can't assume the mum made op feel bad. The kid may have been embarrassed but found it funny for all you know.

This FML is hysterical. But there's nothing wrong with jerking off to ****, it's not real in the same way that movies, video games, and music don't represent reality. While it's funny she shouldn't have done it.

I don't agree with you at all, but I suppose that doesn't much matter. However, are you aware of how much **** is made without the females consent? How many women are forced into it by controlling men? The numbers would shock you. Also, money put into the **** industry directly funds child ****. And you can look that up, because it's true. And child **** is not, no matter how some sick mind would try and justify it, EVER okay. So that's why it's a problem.

lastunusedname 11

You are a new level of stupid.

@unluckystoad Are you aware how much **** in general is made BY women? Are you aware that there is also a lot of revenge **** against males? The numbers would probably shock you. "Also, money put into the **** industry directly funds child **** and you could look that up, because it's true...... And child **** is not, ever okay" You know what else funds child ****? The people who pay huge sums of money directly for child ****. They also tend to have very secular tastes so they only pay for that one thing. It's rare that you'll find a pedophile who owns just as much legal **** as they do child ****. That logic is as useful as saying the money from Hollywood movies directly funds the **** industry. It often does but it wouldn't make people want to stop funding Hollywood movies because they want to see them. Also I'd bet good money that while you say child pornography is Never, ever ok, you find those pictures of babies in the bath to be cute. It's a photograph of a naked child placed on the internet for the world to see, but it doesn't count as child **** until it's actually found in the hands of a pedophile. The same thing as the picture that went around Facebook at Halloween time of the two naked babies standing against a hay bail with their butts painted like pumpkins. People cooed and talked about how cute it was ignoring the fact that some parent deliberately painted their naked child's ass and took photos of it to post on the internet. How is that less pornographic than an of age person stripping down having someone paint their ass like a Christmas present and photographing it? It's really not but I guarantee the second picture would be flagged as inappropriate. To be clear, I'm not saying child **** is ok. I'm saying that just because someone is willing to pay for legal pornography doesn't mean they support child ****. It's the same logic that lets people support gay rights but still eat at Chick fil A knowing that the people who own it give money to anti-gay groups. They like the product they pay for directly, but once the money for that product leaves their hands, they can't directly control where it goes.

@mishwarner The FML referred to what the OP's mom did as a punishment. You don't usually use punishments to make someone feel good about what they were doing.

CelticSkye 13

Agreed. I find that what OP's mother did hysterical and a creative way to get the point across. I only hope that after the movie was over, she also sat down with her son and explained that real sex is NOTHING like what you see in a porno in real life.

105 - idk about you but **** taught me how to preform oral and how to ride. Also, this fml reminds me of the time my mom found the convos and me and my then boyfriend sexting, and read the convo outloud to me. :/

Who the hell watches **** to learn about love? That's an idiotic criticism. Perhaps you should learn the word, "fiction".

sex isn't love.... love does involve sex. but sex isnt love.

How in any way is that good parenting? That could be traumatizing to your kid and also there is nothing wrong with what OP was doing.

You aren't supposed to learn anything from it and mostly likely, if you're mature enough to be watching ****, you're mature enough to know that it's not an accurate representation of real intimacy. Also, based on your profile picture, i don't know how you are taking the side that you are.

You're comment is reading way too far into the situation.

Allow me to disagree, I think it is really wrong to shame your kid for watching ****. It's natural, it's not hurting anyone and watching **** with your mother sounds really unpleasant and uncomfortable.

Depends on the ****. For the most part, it is not natural, it is highly staged and caters to the desire to control, as well as catering to fetishes as well, neither of which are healthy.

#62 Control I understand, but why aren't fetishes healthy? You don't get to judge what is normal and what isn't.

I have to agree with 43 and 62. Mom could have been a real bitch and taken the computer and some other punishment. If all so good and healthy, why is he hiding it. Like said, all staged and for the most part not like real life for most relationships.

70, he's hiding it for the same reason you wouldn't **** your wife in front of your children. There are some things that should be personal and private.

I really don't think there's anything wrong with watching **** and I think what OP's mom did was awkward, though probably effective. We live in a society surrounded by sex...if you don't think your kid is going to watch **** at some point, you must be living under a rock.

#62, that's why you talk to your kids about sex and **** so they know that it isn't realistic. You should never shame a kid for watching **** or masturbating. It leads to serious psychological issues down the road.

there b plenty of time to talk in therapy, which OP desperately gna need but she's fucken awesome tho

Is she ******* awesome or awesome *******? Or both?

I'd have kept jerking off during the play by play. **** is awesome, sexuality is awesome. What the mom did is hysterical, but wrong. Let you child, son or daughter watch whatever **** they enjoy. Explain that it's fantasy and that they need to talk to their actual partners about what is realistic.

haha, I didn't know whether to click YDI or FYL - but your comment nails it, so +1 to you.

#76, I assume her child is under age. According to you its OK for your 5 year old to watch ****. Not saying it doesn't happen, not saying I'm for or aginst it, just saying your comment makes no sence.

189, you're a ******* dumbass, and you need to work on your reading comprehension.

I think a lot of people (not all) are assuming that the mom did what she did to shame him. But we don't know how old this kid is and maybe when the mom saw him watching ****, she thought that he is and/or currently wants to be sexually active. So, perhaps she took it as the perfect opportunity to have the sex talk and try to educate him. OP says it was a 'punishment' but I cannot take his word for it considering that he was embarrassed for getting caught.

#224, thats what is great about FML. We come here post our opinions, get voted up or down, sometimes called a dumb ass. I still think mom rocks for the way she handled the whole issue. But thats just me. So, you just have yourself a great day.

That's the kinda stuff you see in nightmares

1dvs_bstd 41

****: 'Oh yeah baby, **** me harder!! I want that huge **** inside of me' OP's mom: 'here we can see a **** hungry ***** begging for the D' Sports have commentary.. documentaries have commentary, why not ****?

"He's getting great penetration on the back route, with protection up front. That's what I call good ball security!" I love football.

That's the kinda parent I wanna be. Could've be your grandma fyl

Seriously am I the only one who thinks the mom's lost it? I wouldn't even imagine doing something like that if I have a son myself sometime in future. And to think I thought my family was full of crazies....

id sit there and give my kid the "sex talk" while I made him awkwardly sit there and watch the **** with me. that way hed focus on what im saying, and never get caught again. the awkwardness for me would be worth it so I wouldnt have to constantly accidentally catch him.

I feel like this infringes on privacy. Masturbation is a natural thing to do. Parents shouldn't just walk in

#222: That's my point... But I'm getting downvoted to oblivion. -.-

It's not that masturbation is wrong. We don't have the full story. This could have been the first time with a sex-talk-less son. So obviously he's in need of "the talk." Or maybe he's in need of learning a bit of respect for women and to be taught that a) women are not objects and b) sex in **** is NO WHERE NEAR what you get in real life. So don't slam the parent without thinking.

The parent in this situation could in no way be right about what they did, you are assuming just as much as any other comment.

This is much worse than her grounding you op. I hope this moment wasn't carved into your memory.

What do parents ground their kids for watching ****? That makes no sense...

Neither does what the mom did. I'm not saying I'm for or against **** but shouldn't you let each individual decide? It's really about your moral viewpoint of seeing somebody get ******, not warping views on sex. It's just like any other fictional thing and if you can differentiate it from real sex, no expectations will be made. You'll just know what turns you on without having to find somebody that is willing to do it first.

Steffi3 40

Yea I don't know about this one. I don't think watching **** should be a punishable offense. Being curious about sex is natural, and I don't think watching it should be made out to be a bad thing.

It's difficult. While I tend to agree with you, I can kind of see the mum's point too. My mum got mad when she found my brother had watched it but she's not really a prude (we've seen and joked about way worse), she just doesn't like how women are portrayed and all that. She doesn't want his expectations warped I guess?

sweetnsourrr 11

Im pretty sure people dont watch **** just because they're curious.... Well, I know that's not why I watched it when I was younger.

banshee88 18

AMEN! I think you should teach your kids that unrealistic expectations are unhealthy but to pleasure yourself in private with a visual aid? I really don't see what's wrong with that.

Agreed, but there is also a time and a place.

#29: Here's the subject discussed by The Onion panelists: . From the description blurb: "Panelists discuss how pornography warps children's minds, leading them to believe sex is actually fun rather than shameful and embarrassing."

I wouldn't want my children to watch **** since it's unrealistic. Depending on age, what if this was their only experience with sex? I'm not sure I'd punish them if I found them watching it but it would at least deserve a discussion.

Sex in **** is anything but natural though. Its not bad to deter your children from it, and learn the wrong values about sex.

I don't think it really warps your views if you know it's fake, like everything on tv or in fictional literature, so if your kid doesn't think everything on the internet is real, they won't get warped. It's more of an excuse for people who are against it but why should one person force their views on another? Personally, if I ever find out a kid of mine is watching ****, I'll just leave and when we're alone next just make sure they know it's fake. Then make a shit ton of jokes to relieve the awkwardness.

Personally I think it depends on the person. I watched it and I'm fine, but there is evidence of it affecting the views and actions of some people. Same as how most people are probably fine playing violent video games but there will always be some people who due to idiocy, upbringing, violent tendencies, etc. will be led astray.

Maybe it was meant as education and not punishment. I mean, mom could have just been thinking "well, might as well make sure they actually know what's going on"

#138: I don't know about you, but I'd rather people tried to reenact things they've seen in **** than the violence they've seen on TV... Unless it's fantasy violence, like casting fireballs and curses, that would be hilarious to observe ;P. By the way - you've made my "ad absurdum" for me. There is NO evidence that video games cause violence, and this stuff has been studied ad nauseam in an effort to discover a link. Contrary to popular belief, people can actually tell reality from fantasy... which is a bloody good thing, considering that you CAN'T sequester them from EVERY depiction of evil ever created.

I'll well aware that most people can tell fantasy from reality, that was kind of the point of my post. I am also completely anti-"whiney video games cause violence" crowd. Hell, I'm sure there was at least one study that showed that, for some people, video games led to LESS violence because they could de-stress in the game and then didn't need to irl. I'm just pointing out that different things affect different people in different ways. If you're already of a certain mindset then certain things may push you further that way, even if they're fine for 'regular' people. I haven't been keeping up with all the studies regarding the whole video games = violence stuff but I imagine it's the same for many parts of life. It was just one example. Even if you don't like it, it doesn't disprove my whole opinion.

Also, with ****, violence or whatever else, I'm not saying one thing will alone change someone for the worse, even if they are predisposed in some way. But it could be part or a number of contributing factors. Probably should've mentioned that earlier but didn't really think of it as a debate at that point, was just stating my opinion.

#199 & #200: "different things affect different people in different ways" - what an astute observation ;P. In summary - there is no reasonable claim of a connection, no evidence for it, no theory explaining it, no suggested course of action. If you are willing to concede this much, your point becomes so moot, agreeing with it is fairly meaningless.