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Quit while you're ahead

By Anonymous - 13/07/2021 05:01 - United States - Delhi

Today, I'm an executive at a startup game studio, making only $18,000 a year after 3 years of helping build the company. I was promised a raise once we secured our Seed B funding. So, after our investors backed us for $4.5 million recently, I followed up with the CEO about this. He responded by sending me a troll face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 392
You deserved it 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Find another job, there will never be payback for the 3 years you sunk into this one. Then give notice and pay no attention to any claims trying to get you to stay. But find that other job first.


Find another job, there will never be payback for the 3 years you sunk into this one. Then give notice and pay no attention to any claims trying to get you to stay. But find that other job first.

that's shitty I make 40k+ / year and I'm just a labourer

Go over every contract with a fine tooth comb. I bet you the bastard missed something somewhere. Then take your findings and either start a war that you'll win, or a war that'll make them lose regardless, and bounce.