Quote of the day

By Albert - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I finally found the perfect quote to open my college essay. Then I found out that the author was one of the founders of the KKK. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 566
You deserved it 4 172

Top comments

"The thing about quotes on the Internet is you can't tell who said them" -Ben Franklin

alexhaz64 4

I have to ask, what kind of essay are you writing? O.o


I think you should use it if it is the perfect quote to start your essay, as long as you're not being racist in the essay there shouldn't be a problem. Just because he isn't a very good man doesn't mean that he can't say something completely true and relevant.

That guy is so crazy, some of his statements actually make sense.

Wait.. Was? Had? Is he dead now? I didn't know this..

missababgaga 19

Oh my goodness, that must be one very interesting essay topic!

CookieKidrauhl 0

Nobody has to know that the author was part of the KKK, just use the quote if it's good.

Kay Kinda Kurious to know what the quote was OP... Nonetheless, good luck with your college essays!

Its okkk I'm sure you'll find another quote.

"The comments here will be shut down soon due to the sheer number of fools who think its ok to quote racist assholes." - DocBastard

I mean if it was a good quote, it may be referring to something bad but if you use it in the context of your essay it shouldn't be racist

Use the quote, every now and then you find a good biscuit in the dumpster.