Quote of the day

By Albert - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I finally found the perfect quote to open my college essay. Then I found out that the author was one of the founders of the KKK. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 566
You deserved it 4 172

Top comments

"The thing about quotes on the Internet is you can't tell who said them" -Ben Franklin

alexhaz64 4

I have to ask, what kind of essay are you writing? O.o


It's ok, just look for a different quote to use if you're extremely against using the one you've found.

"The thing about quotes on the Internet is you can't tell who said them" -Ben Franklin

alexhaz64 4

I have to ask, what kind of essay are you writing? O.o

It doesn't matter what essay he was writing I'm sure he didn't write about racial prejudice if he was surprised at what he found

intelliDude 7

Use a great quote that you wrote yourself and live by. The purpose of the college essay is for Admissions to see into your brain and learn how you think.

AFloppyWetWhale 6

Or Op could just use the idea from that quote as a foundation for their own

Use it anyway. After all, he was the founder of an international organization.

Why not go with Hitler? He was the founder of one too. Just put aside the 11 million people he had put to death.

5 has a point though. All of the evil leaders of the world got there with their words, as well as their hate and brutality. While we can all agree they were horrible people with horrible intentions, it is also agreeable that they were amazing speakers.

A good quote is a good quote. If you don't like where the origin is from you can say something similar

perdix 29

Use the quote, but attribute it to Foghorn Leghorn. With the advent of the Internet, the origin of lots of quotes have become muddier. I've looked up "golf is a good walk spoiled" and "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result," only to find massive debates about who actually said it. If your teacher challenges your crediting a cartoon chicken with the quote, refer him or her to this comment -- it's on the Internet ;)

Don't copy it verbatim and no one will be the wiser.

Whoever said the original quote is irrelevant. As long as you put it into a proper context, and don't come across as a racist, xenophobe you'll be fine!

"Now, if only I could find a quote to start off my essay entitled 'Why People Like Me Are Complete Blithering Morons', I'll be set. Hmm... Wait, what's this? Ah! I found it! Perfect!"