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Rash decision

By caiti - 06/08/2009 01:25 - United States

Today, I had a job interview and things were going really well until I noticed the woman interviewing me staring at the inside of my elbow. I am recovering from a poison sumac rash, and each spot looks like a puncture wound from a syringe. I was dismissed before the interview was over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 373
You deserved it 4 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, you could've worn longer sleeves, or maybe tried some concealer? I suppose you could've also tried to explain to her about the rash, but she probably wouldn't have believed you yeah fyl.

ajkkls63 0

You shouldn't work at a place that would jump to 'rash' decisions like your interviewer did.


Should have used some concealer or something so you don't look like you shoot up meth.. Not the brightest decision.

SO just explain that you have poison sumac!?!?! GOD why are people on this website so ******* dumb

WHY ARE YOU SO ******* DUMB FOR REPLYING TO THE FIRST COMMENT JUST TO BE SEEN ON TOP YOU ATTENTION HOGGING PIECE OF SHIT here, i did something different by yelling at some one who replied, not the OP. as always, give me your opinions on my post

what if she wants to look like a junkie it might get her hired!! lol

f_my_life88 0

it STILL sucks!!! Why do I have the feling you're a 13 year old nerd, who does absolutely anything to get the littlest bit of attention?

YDI for having anal intercourse and giving yourself AIDS you ******* ******.

Imawhalerider 0

YDI for looking like an addict

Seriously, #9 you have no life. Stop thinking you're funny, original, or remotely funny. Because you are none of those things. So #9; FYL.

**** people are stupid. A) explain the situation B) wear a long sleeve shirt to avoid the whole problem Jesus H.

The idiots saying "just explain it and all is fiiine" need to stop living in Carebear land, for crap's sake. If someone who looks like an obvious junkie went and told you they just look that way for some odd reason, would you believe them?? Especially on a job interview? Would you risk YOUR job in this economy, in the random chance the obvious might not be true and the apparent bullsh*t excuse might be the truth? Of course not. At least, no recruiter would. So yes, the OP is dumb for not hiding the marks, but explaining would certainly not be a fail proof solution. They might not have believed OP anyway.

YDI for not covering it up before the interview.. No one wnats to see that sh**!

Imawhalerider 0

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kdog333 1

do you even know what poison sumac is? cause i dont think you can take it.

blackredwhite 0

u shuld hv worn long sleeves shirt.. haih..

A good point? Possibly. Terrible spelling and grammar? Yes.

you should have paid closer attention in English class.

delfinofrank 0

YDI for not thinking about this stuff before going to interviews

Yeah, you could've worn longer sleeves, or maybe tried some concealer? I suppose you could've also tried to explain to her about the rash, but she probably wouldn't have believed you yeah fyl.

I second this; although it's more of a YDI than a FML. You could have done multiple things to explain (or hide) these markings.

You could've done any of the suggestions from above. Or simply explain what happened. I can't think of one place that would dismiss a person like that. That's why I'm thinking this is a fake.

Yes obviously no employer in the ENTIRE United States would ever consider doing that, clever deduction skills.

*high fives #67, if fed up of the idiocy of "explain and everything is all fine!"* Like people would have believed so easily...

YDI - if you have something that awkward/obvious then wear long sleeves. You might've been hot for an hour or so, but at least you'd have a job.

dont_be_dumb 0

exactly. hope you weren't applying for a rocket scientist position.

ajkkls63 0

You shouldn't work at a place that would jump to 'rash' decisions like your interviewer did.

f_my_life88 0

(to #9) it STILL sucks!!! Why do I have the feling you're a 13 year old nerd, who does absolutely anything to get the littlest bit of attention?

noshitsherlock 0

YOU DESERVE IT. You had so many options: just SAY something, wear longer sleeves, make up... so if you made NO effort, you deserve it! hahahhahah!!

missnovocaine 14

It's not OP's fault the interviewer jumped to conclusions.