Riches to rags

By ashleeylynn - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got mugged. They wanted my phone and wallet. The most important thing in my wallet was my fully punched Smoothie King card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 681
You deserved it 4 053

Top comments

Monikabug 9

Oh no! Now they are going to get YOUR free smoothie! >;[

Fminetoo 0

Wow, a cell phone related FML that is not about an Iphone. CONGRATS OP!


you get mugged and you complain that all you lost was your wallet with nothing in it...

Monikabug 9

I think she was more complaining that she got mugged even though she had nothing worth stealing. Being that the only worthwhile thing in her wallet was a Smoothie King card, no cash, no credit... a Smoothie King card.

PsychoMerk 0

what's smoothies king anyway? :O all I see are Jamba juices >_>

purplemnm 9

smoothie king is delish. I order the Green Tea with Goji berry, yum

itz_towelie 6

there's a such thing as a goji berry?

i've never even heard of smoothie king or jamba juice

Monikabug has a point. I'd be pretty pissed off if I got beaten for a Smoothie King card.

purplemnm 9
nessalujin 0

Have y'all heard of fruitland smoothies? I order a power twist with protein and spirulina. Mmm

Dude, we have Robek's in Ohio. Not any of these places... I feel left out. :'(

LemonMan 0

Yeah i've never even heard of smoothie king..... -.o

PsychoMerk 0

WTF? fluffy pants, I'm from Cali o.0

killabeast1 0

well you lost out on a smoothie so it sucks to be you I mean come on screw the phone where the f*ck is my smoothie?!?!? lolz

MermaidSongXOXO 6

So, OP, are you saying you'd prefer if you got mugged and your wallet was full of cash? I really don't understand how people think these days -_-

It's because people don't think these days, my dear.

Stake out smoothie king with a baseball bat.

Monikabug 9

I like this idea... and it would definitely be worth it for a FREE Strawberry Kiwi Smoothie.

This is why I can't wait to move to a place that at least has a Sonic. We miss out on all the good stuff.

Monikabug 9

You don't live near a Sonic, Hush? You should write a letter! Open up your own! :)

I've thought of it. I'll be out in the mid-west soon enough and there are two where we are going, I checked. You can't swing a dead cat around without hitting someone here, so we are going where there is a little more room and as luck would have it, Sonic, Waffle House, and Papa John's.

I have four Sonics in my suburban area.

People will do anything for a smoothie. ^^There's a smoothie king here in Davie but I think sonics r more up north or out west -_-

Our closest one is 197 miles away. Road Tripped it.

Cricketiscool 0

Damn it! smoothies are the best, Id be pissed.

blueeyes24 0

Good news is since they didn't steal all your money that luckily wasn't in your wallet... you can easily get a new smoothie card filled up.

ghostwitch1863 0

hey, I'm the one that mugged u! I'm going out for smoothies.. see ya later

Menick47 0

That has a purpose,.... Why?

KurouTenshi 0

and now that poor bastard is somewhere miles away sipping on a strawberry shredder with energy and protein, reading your FML from your phone. laughing as they click YDI to make you die a little on he inside.

Cricketiscool 0