Riding bike on ice... By Lewis - 25/01/2019 00:30 - France - Paris This is some kind of déjà vu. I agree, your life sucks 149 You deserved it 400 Share Tweet Share
Today, my grandma miraculously survived a bout with pneumonia. She keeps saying, 'The Lord spoke to her' while she was comatose. While comatose, she had to be physically restrained because she would unconsciously mess with the medical equipment, and when she woke up, she was completely delirious. Yeah, no. FML I agree, your life sucks 700 You deserved it 144
Today, I received a call telling me I had not gotten a job I would have been a perfect fit for. The hiring manager told me they "went in the opposite direction" and chose to hire someone with less experience, so they didn't have to pay them as much. She made sure to tell me I was still the better candidate though. FML I agree, your life sucks 1 341 You deserved it 78
Today, after nearly a year of being stalked, harassed and even terrorized, the police finally found out who my stalker was. It was my 19-year-old son, who thought it would be a fun prank to pull. FML I agree, your life sucks 52 965 You deserved it 5 971
Today, I put on a shirt that said, "Skilled in every position." My boyfriend took one look and said, "Since when?" FML I agree, your life sucks 12 140 You deserved it 30 520
Today, my older brother gave me his old phone. He didn't realize that he hadn't deleted his pictures. I found a bunch of him wearing my underwear and bras. FML I agree, your life sucks 2 149 You deserved it 159
Today, I got a call about my dog who went missing a week ago. The guy who called said "We have your dog, but you aren't getting her back." Then he hung up. FML I agree, your life sucks 43 668 You deserved it 2 907
Today, I went to a coffee shop with my friend. The guy rang her up and said it was only a dollar as he winked at her $10 purchase. Then he rang me up at completely full price. She got his number and I got to be the ugly friend once again. FML I agree, your life sucks 33 726 You deserved it 3 723
Today, I told my mom for the third time that I won’t be able to attend her husband's family Christmas party because it’s on my birthday. She won’t take no for an answer, and I just don’t want to spend my whole birthday in a car for an 8-hour drive there and back. FML I agree, your life sucks 1 212 You deserved it 126