By ks.swan13 - 22/12/2010 09:50

Today, I got a call about my dog who went missing a week ago. The guy who called said "We have your dog, but you aren't getting her back." Then he hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 664
You deserved it 2 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

"If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was." You can either swallow that namby-pamby bullshit, or go house-to-house with a baseball bat until you find your dog and beat the shit out of Cruella DeVil and her henchmen.

zebrapattern 6

*69, figure out what the number is, then look up an address, and bring the police with you so they have to give it back. but take some proof that the dog's yours with you, as well.


beethovensfifth 0

hahahaha I love this kid. he probably laced the koolaid too.

I think he may be hittin' the crack pipe again

Florence_ 0

I think he was supposed to replied to the FML above this xD

phreshboi 1

agreed ^ but yeah in this FML I would just call them back, and if they had there number blocked, then I would ask the police to trace the call and unblock it

Alpha35 4


starfuryt550 3

it's the Vietnamese you gotta be more worried about.

dickamaru 0

true it's probably my friend too since he admitted the missing dog reports was cause by him

LaughingHobbit 4

I love how ur profile photo matched so well

Omg WHAT A HORRIBLE THING TO SAY!!!!! Don't give up O.P. You'll get ur dog back!!!!

zebrapattern 6

*69, figure out what the number is, then look up an address, and bring the police with you so they have to give it back. but take some proof that the dog's yours with you, as well.

I was going to say this also. If *69 doesn't work, call the police, and call your phone company who can provide record of who called you. A dog is still considered property and this is theft.

If you can get their address without the police ... then skip the police. Take two large friends, each carrying a baseball bat and a hammer. You, bring your dog's crate, plus a pair of pliers and a blow-torch. Do not tolerate a dog thief, but do make them suffer for the rest of their short lives. Be sure to clean up any evidence, but also use their entrails to leave a message on the walls, as a warning to other dog thieves. Happy Holidays!

peanut1534 3

lol I'm agreeing with zebrapattern.... but i'd go get them one since they want one so bad

go to the local media. I've heard a similar story before and the local news took the story and the people who took the dog were embarrassed into returning it.

Do some 'Without A Trace' or 'CSI' shit.. I watch too much TV.

You know those shows yet you didn't know what a moshpit was.. *sigh* (relating to other comments made) ahh just messing

Yeah but I don't like rock music. I'm assuming that's a very familiar term when it comes to that genre. Each to his own, right?

Agreed, lol. I'm not that into heavy rock music and never have been so I didn't even hear the term "mosh pit" 'til I was a teenager. And even still, when people talked about them, they always seemed like some confusing giant fighting orgy to me.