By Anon - 11/09/2023 17:00 - New Zealand

Today, while on a nature hike with friends. I tried to take a selfie at the edge of a cliff with the majestic view as a backdrop, but I slipped and dropped my phone. It's now RIP (resting in pieces) at the bottom of a ravine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 173
You deserved it 1 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, it could have been much much worse - You at the bottom of the ravine…

I read somewhere they recently did a study about that and they found that at least one person is killed every 12 hours attempting selfies in dangerous locations in about 12 per day are seriously injured.


OP, it could have been much much worse - You at the bottom of the ravine…

This is the less important reason why park rangers will explicitly tell you not to take pictures too close to the edge. The more important one is that you're darn lucky it wasn't you who fell.

I read somewhere they recently did a study about that and they found that at least one person is killed every 12 hours attempting selfies in dangerous locations in about 12 per day are seriously injured.

Start watching more fail videos on YouTube, or next time it could be you. You stupid bastard.