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By ....... - 23/06/2009 17:56 - United States

Today, my five year old daughter was watching cartoons on TV. Then a Barbie commercial came on. My daughter sang along with the theme song "Be who you want to be, B-A-R-B-I-E." She then turned to me and said "Mom, I want to be a hooker." FML
I agree, your life sucks 507
You deserved it 46

Top comments

effmyyliifee 0

how does a 6 year old know what a hooker is. mom i blame you!


effmyyliifee 0
spazzycre 0

I dont beelieeve thisss one O.o

ForWhatItsWorth 0

Oh don't we all want to be hookers xD a 5 year old girl comparing barbie to a hooker, that's someone whose really gonna get along fine in life though :P

lollipop_girl 0

To both people above me: Why do ya'll reply to the first answer if you're not talking about the comment posted, just so you can be at the top!? Comment normally, like the rest of us!! *****!!

ForWhatItsWorth 0

We all have high/fake aspirations, dumbass. I don't see you commenting about the 'fml' so mind your own buinsess, or that of the person that wants people to agree with his life being ******, not myne, dipshit.

I'm with #44, it's annoying as hell when people do that just to be first. I hope you guys really were replying to #1.

lexilovesyou 0

The Question is; How does a 5 year old know what a hooker is? Hmmm....

easylazy 0

Yeah this is probably fake but it's really funny I wonder what kids who see Ken say?

yeah how DOES a five year old know what a hooker is?

UsingLogic 0

#127: Just click on the scroll bar on the right of your screen and drag it down, you'll be at the bottom in no time! And the ability to reply to comments was added on this site for a reason, by abusing it you'll just get it removed. (I guess that's why it's not possible to report comments anymore). Conformism Nazi FTW!

snowsurfskate303 0

i can tell what a good influence you are

56, he was basically replying to the comments that were Off Topic to the previous comments. He was in no way refeering to the fml at all, but actually doing something that most of the people wern't. Actually making a real reply to the first comment instead of trying to be on top.

lil_miz_liz09 0

OWNED!!! Parent Fail...YDI, she is probably going to end up a Hooker...HAHAHA...made my day!

I CALL BULLSHARK. Like a 5 year old knows what a hooker is and can associate with barbie?

im feeling like #44 is coming off as a bit of a hypocrite

just more proof that barbie turns little girls into *****. >.>"

Ms_Thingie 0

U can't do that on a ipod touch I keep trying but it dosent do that so it takes a lot of time to scroll down so it's just easier to reply not because to get to the top

She probably doesn't know what a hooker is. She probably thinks a hooker is just someone like barbie, and that's why she says she wants to be one.

Dude, #215, wtf. When I was five I was using a computer like any adult would. Seriously. Hell, when I was five I knew what the word "****" meant (lol navy parents). =/ I definitely knew what a hooker was...

flex_able 0
CapriceClassic 0
MrsWorldwide 0

She heard it somewhere and has no idea what it means I'm sure. It was just perfect timing that she said that while watching and singing to Barbie. LOL! My kid is 14 and I've heard some seriously "OMG" stuff come out of his mouth without even realzing what he was saying. It sure will be a funny story when she's older. Well, as long as she really doesn't become a hooker. haha.

dyingtolive77 0

this is the story that i came up with that would explain this situation: the little girl has a babysitter that probably isnt the prettiest girl in the world and who is jealous of the way barbie looks. and when she was babysitting that same commercial came on and the babysitter said that Barbie looks like a hooker without explaining what a hooker so the little girl thinks it is a good thing,

Exactly. I don't believe this for a moment. How would a 5 year old know what a hooker is? Even if barbie looks like one...

M_U_F_F_I_N918 0

That is so true! And that is the queation that haunts us all.

she's five? where the hell dose a five year-old learn about hookers?

all u people replyed to number one so I wudbe be talking...

The heart wants what the heart wants you should support her

I saw the illustration on DeviantArt a few days ago saying that it was inspired on an FML. Really cool to see it on here now!

pu13 5

At least she already knows what she wants to do when she's older :D

Most of the barbies now are dressed like hookers I saw one In a very short skirt and like a shirt that shows most of the stomach they probably call it the hooker addition

kellster 2

You weren't first, dumbass. And everyone hates people who say that. Times a million if they weren't even first.

Gaby_peaceandluv 0

hahaha ! Now that would have been an awesome FML!!

MeganH0LLYW00D 0

They didn't even say they were first. Loser.

Rider_fml 0

#86, dude, you're bitching out at him and he didn't even say first. OP: Now where do you think she learned that word?

Actually they did say first.. it's pretty obvious when someone says "1st" Anywayz,, wow I bet she probably didn't even know what a hooker is.. at least I hope not!

1234123412341234 0

but.. they didnt say "1st" ...

1234123412341234 0

oh sorry i wasnt logged on before and it looked like you were commenting on someone else

"1st!! and wow ho does she know what a hooker is?" i'm pretty sure that's saying 'FIRST.'

how does a 6 year old know what a hooker is. mom i blame you!

I couldn't breath so funny Barbie's an evil hooker

Incredibly_Dope 0

That just means she wants to be a chicken farmer... You know get paid for raising cocks.

monkeyz0r 0

hahaha she probably doesnt know what it is, maybe she thinks its just a pretty lady? haha thats hilarious... o dem kids!

#4, SERIOUSLY!! you're kidding, you think its cute that this lady's daughter wants to be a Hooker when she grows up...what are you, some sick perverted person who has nothing better to do than think that this is cute? You disgust me

lawlfyl 0

Jesus. Calm down. He didn't think it was cute that she wants to be a hooker. He thought it was cute that she probably has no idea what the hell she's talking about. In a "Kids say the darnest things" type of way. Get the sand out of your ******.

love_the_fame 0

HAHAHA!!! On the plus side, you have a very ambitious daughter!

lol, plus there are always people who need to fill in the hooker position!!

mal2012 4

5..... Wtf. Go sit somewhere n think. I mean REALLY think.

it kind of is since her own daughter, who is 5 years old said she wanted to be a hooker.

Yah, if your daughter if you had one said she wanted to be a hooker and she was 5 what would you do??? It was an FML

210K FML votes, your argument is invalid.

fyourlife33 0

Follow in her mother's footsteps?

lexilovesyou 0

The Question is; How does a 5 year old know what a hooker is? Hmmm.... Could it possibly have something to do with the parents?!?!?!?!

Doorhandle57 0

How does a five-year-old know what a hooker is? Great parenting...

abcxyz123 0

i doubt she heard the word hooker from her mother.

You can't just assume the parents taught her that word retard.

Just like we can't assume your parents taught you that "retarded" meant stupid.

Have you ever been to public school? Regardless of her parenting i highly doubt she would teacher her daughter what a hooker is so stop insulting peoples parenting be a parent yourself and see how hard it is

monkeyz0r 0

i doubt she really knows what that is guys, besides she probably didnt hear it from her mom, gorsh its probably from friends, school, tv, etc. she doesnt have control over EVERYTHING in her childs life, this is pretty funny though xD

Doorhandle57 0

and yet she knew how to associate a barbie doll with a hooker...

monkeyz0r 0

how is a plastic doll a hooker? barbie is just a pretty doll, not necessarily a hooker...

Doorhandle57 0

yea a pretty doll with massive boobs

caligal14 0

She didn't actually associate Barbie with a hooker, the song just says 'be what you want to be' (or whatever the lyrics were) and that's what she chose. If she said 'I want to be a doctor' that's not really Barbie either...

She's 5! how would her friends know what a hooker is?

deathbunny256 0

Right because when I was 5 I was ready to branch off on my own and take responsibility for my own life. I set off for school where all of my friends knew what hooker meant. Then when I went back to my house I watched some adult TV. Obviously you either dont have kids or never were one. Gorsh.

Icalasari 0

Don't underestimate kids. I made an accurate model of both the male and reproductive systems when I was 6

#108 But did you know what a hooker was?

Umm, Maybe the kid doesn't know what a hooker is and has just heard the term and said 'i want to be a hooker'. When I was little I had no idea what a bitch was but I called my mum one because I heard someone say "You're a bitch" to someone else..maybe a similar thing happened in this situation?