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By partypooper - 28/07/2009 06:34 - United States

Today, a friend asked me if I could help him set up the stage for his wedding. Feeling honored that he considered me a close enough friend to aid him on his special day, I agreed to help. Turns out we aren't so close. I was asked to leave after I was done because I hadn't actually been invited. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 710
You deserved it 3 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He actually ASKED you to leave? "Thanks for your help, please don't hang around"? That sucks

Tell him you're glad he understands how awkward it would have been for you to hang around, with you sleeping with his fiance last month and all.


Iloveyencheck 0

I'm pretty sure if he wasn't invited to the wedding he wasn't invited to the reception either

Nope, quite often people invite far more people to the reception than the actual ceremony. They sometimes just have family at the ceremony, or sometimes it just isn't practical with seating arrangements, etc. Also, I don't know about most people, but I don't tend to dress too formally for building staging...

He actually ASKED you to leave? "Thanks for your help, please don't hang around"? That sucks

How can you not know that you hadn't been invited before being asked to leave? Surely the fact that you hadn't received an invitation would be a BIG clue!!! Or am I seriously missing something here? lol :)

i think he knows he wasnt invited, but maybe kinda hoped he would let him come anyways since he helped him out...

L0veh8te 0

Well he asked to help out, usually if you ask someone to help you with something like a party or what not. A Friend would invite the other friend at the end as saying thanks. He could have said Bro my Wife is a bitch and I would invite you but she has everything all set up such as the seating arrangements etc and would have a bitch fit If I said you were coming. Something like that would have been understanding.

Tell him you're glad he understands how awkward it would have been for you to hang around, with you sleeping with his fiance last month and all.

rfarock88 0

that is ******* brilliant! I lol'd hard at that one :)

lol, i like that one too. So mean. Too bad i'm not that witty. :P

good answer will use it next time if I was being rejected from a party

#6 - Lol. This is some pretty ****** up shit.

ShortyBBangin 0

#6 is freakin hilarious!!!!!! AHAHAHAHA

deninja 0

nice one dude internet highfive

i would have so said that OP:crash the weeding

You viewed him as a friend, he viewed you as a roadie. I bet he doesn't have any close friends, actually.

Yeah, people like that usually can't keep friends long enough to be close.

rfarock88 0

Maybe I'm just spiteful and vengeful, but Idc how long I helped him set it up, I'd have to **** the set up as bad as I could. He can get someone else to set it back up.

That would be incredibly immature. You *COULD* always just, you know... Say no.

Clark3 0

It still shocks me how some people can be so idiotic.

That guy is not your friend... anymore. Get rid of him. If he calls for help, ignore him or tell him flat out that you want him out of your life.