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By Anonymous - 28/07/2009 06:03 - United States

Today, I went on a group job interview, where all the applicants seem to have the same qualifications. When the interviewer dismissed all of us but the prettiest girl, outraged, I told him he was a prejudiced pig, and should be ashamed of himself. Apparently she was the only one who had a car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 747
You deserved it 58 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Assumption, the mother of all **** ups. Get some self-esteem, stat.

Guess you won't be considered in the future then, will you?


Guess you won't be considered in the future then, will you?

lmmmr 0

An ugly person is no more responsible for their appearance than a beautiful person. Genetics are genetics.

Wrong, beautiful people take more care of themselves than ugly people, obviously. Or would an obese, hairy, smelly, leather-skinned look more attractive to you than the average woman? Also the people being interviewed didn't have the same qualifications, so OP, YDI and **** you.

Funny because the tanned, anorexic-skinny, chemical hair dyed and made up ideal doesnt seem particularly healthy.

tkel87 0

Ugly people piss me off, good lookin people cant help being good looking any more than you can help being ugly! Either get over urself or get some work done

and i bet all the angry people rambling about "anorexic blondes" are all ugly. sorry you dont have self esteem, but stop insulting attractive people who actually take care of themselves.

I love how #131 and #132 dont have pictures.. haha.. for the record, beauty should be defined by who you are, not what you look like..

#132 Yes, because getting annorexia is always the best way to take care of oneself. I don't mean to be offensive or mean to anyone, but we all know being annorexic is a disease, which far too many people suffer from.

Assumption, the mother of all **** ups. Get some self-esteem, stat.

the_commentator 0

You know what they say about assuming. It makes an ass out of you and me. Haha, geddit? ass, u, me. XD Ack, that was bad.

Lol that's what I was going to say #26, you beat me to it. :D

Yeah, I was going to post the same thing myself, except I wouldn't have explained my own ******* joke.

Aha thats from my wife & kids lol OP: Bad luck

bexox 0

Actually, that joke has been around for a loooong time.

guess how she got that car ;)... hard work i guess

c_tuck 0

This FML is a lie. It's illegal to request that information during an interview. You cannot ask about transportation or childcare those are huge issues.

Let me guess... your ugly. I'm right amn't I????

fyourlife33 0

adding stat makes any comment better, sorry supposed to be a reply to #2

trulyinsane 0

newfag... but your right the comment was genius.

11 - She's most probably over sensitive because she's used to people being picked before her because of her looks.

and i'm quite believing the 'she has a car' thingy is bullshit

bluedoll 1

But that doesn't make her fat...does it? I mean...she could be one of those chicks who is just ugly....*shrugs* I'm just trying to even the playing field out.... People assume she's fat....could just be unattractive or incredibly plain....

cxal_fml 0

even if it is, its bs to assume that just because she was the prettiest she was less qualified than the OP. She could have had a more imposing body posture, been more outspoken and confident than the others, etc

WPQ14 15

For all you know, she could have been more qualified, or had a more outstanding resume. I hate that people assume a pretty face equals no brains.

learn to read. "Group job interview, where all the applicants appear to have the same qualifications"

They key word in this FML is "seem[ed]." There's no way everyone's resumes were passed around kindergarten style so every applicant could read each other's credentials. The OP only got to see how the girl performed in the interview, not her resume. And obviously she WAS more qualified, seeing as she was the only one with a car.

she had a car thats y she got the job over the others that "had similar qualifacations" this happened to me once

OR the interview was to select from a group of people whose resumes were all similar, so similar they could not make the choice based on what was on paper.

OR maybe they were at a job fair with a high volume of applicants, and so chose group interviewing as a way to expedite the hiring process.

Hich17 0

For that matter, if they all had the EXACT same credentials, you're damn right I'd just hire the hot chick. Why not?

Antivirus_fml 0

OP, you are a pig yourself, goto hell.

rfarock88 0

YDI for assuming men are pigs. **** you bitch

Second. Maybe men aren't attracted to your ugliness, but that doesn't mean that all men are pigs. Just because you're ugly doesn't mean that every other girl succeeds because they're prettier. They're prettier AND more qualified than you. You pretty much suck.

Hich17 0

Here, here! Women who cry "sexism" or "chauvinism" at every single little thing actually hold their gender back. OP - get over yourself.