
By Z…… - 04/04/2024 16:00 - United States - New York

Today, I told my husband that I thought we were old enough to not need sex anymore. His immediate response was, "In that case, I'm not too old to be single." FML
I agree, your life sucks 109
You deserved it 1 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wadlaen 23

You may not need it, but you may still enjoy it ..

L0life29 6

you actually thought he’d agree to this!?!?


Wadlaen 23

You may not need it, but you may still enjoy it ..

Sounds like you don't need it, see ur Dr. maybe it's your hormones

karan7991kumar 6

why remove the possibility forever? do what other women do, agree to do it once a week and then say you have a headache

L0life29 6

you actually thought he’d agree to this!?!?

There is a real difference between maturbation and actual serial intercourse for both men's and women's health. Unilaterally removing that option from the table will not be good for your marriage. Maybe you want/need to spice things up some? Try an adult toy store where you both can find some fun. Your alternatives were presented, divorce, infidelity and or an all around unhappy marriage.

yeah that's not really a thing. libido may drop but there's no age where it's like ok we don't need this anymore. if you don't fill that need, don't be surprised when he goes somewhere else

Lffayen 4

If you really want to know the age when people stop having sex, look up STD outbreak news nursing home and you'll get the real answer is not until death.

karan7991kumar 6

do you really don’t want to do it or do you not want to do it with him?

people are still having sex in their 80's. I don't know how old you are but you need to go to a doctor or maybe you should be single because you two are not sexually compatible anymore.