Run home

By Anonymous - 12/06/2013 14:56 - United States

Today, I ran the mile in gym class. I was the second to last person to finish, and I was left panting and feeling faint. When the teacher found out I hadn't come in dead last, he accused me of skipping a lap and is now making me rerun the entire thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 102
You deserved it 6 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rg350dx 29

The word "no" is appropriate and applicable in this situation.

fuckmylife518 15

O.O What did you do to make him hate you so much??


He's clearly discriminating against you.

One lap doesn't require another mile...but good job for not finishing last...that should give the point of congrats from your gym teacher not an accusation...

Don't worry OP. More excersize and second to last will turn into first and you can shove that in your teachers face.

dracc 4

Stop being a fat slob and move your ass! It's only a mile, easily covered in less than 10 minutes!

Kavka 15

Where does it say OP is fat?

Quite frankly I would have told him to go f**k himself

Oh My God that's like three laps, suck it up and re run it. Maybe you won't come second to last next time.

It's sad that some of these people never heard of ASTHMA.

kyoyaotori 7

I think it is sadder that OP either does not have it or is not prescribed for it. Otherwise, OP would have been able to opt out or at least have a better understanding with the P.E. teacher. That being said, OP, I have had a marathon runner and personal trainer as a P.E. teacher and he thought that running was the only form of exercise and, due to physical problems, was angry at me and tried to make me run with a broken tailbone that I earned in his class. My sincerest apologies that asshole P.E. teachers still exist, but you can make it through!

I think a report filed with the principal is warranted. Don't let this bully get away with it, I'm sure you are not his/her only victim.

hazel_bee96 6

The same thing happened to me!

That isnt right. You shouldnt have to. You can refuse to run it again.