Run home

By Anonymous - 12/06/2013 14:56 - United States

Today, I ran the mile in gym class. I was the second to last person to finish, and I was left panting and feeling faint. When the teacher found out I hadn't come in dead last, he accused me of skipping a lap and is now making me rerun the entire thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 102
You deserved it 6 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rg350dx 29

The word "no" is appropriate and applicable in this situation.

fuckmylife518 15

O.O What did you do to make him hate you so much??


nurchok 15

Just tell your stupid ass teacher to **** off and have your parent complain to the principal. Even if you did skip one, that is your life and your health, none of the douchebag's business. The teacher is there to teach, not make your life miserable...

Well get off here and get RUNNING! ;)

Don't worry, i come in last every time too.

TheDrifter 23

That depends on how fast you do the mile. A six minute mile is easy running, 5 minute miles are harder on the system, under that is strictly for people in truly good shape.

Since its dangerous to your health i would have told the teacher **** you im not doing it again.

ginawater19 13

Ask your teacher to do it with you. Make a bet he won't finish before you

slothsarecool 11

sounds like you need that extra mile

i think some people cant run that far without getting sick.. some people are sick.. i am sick for example and it takes strength everyday to just be here for one more day before i die..

Refuse to run it and let your parents do something to this teacher/school.

I had a PE/Gym teacher like that, kept putting me on detention for being injured, at the time I was competing in Rugby and Kickboxing and doing 14hours a week training on my own time, whereas the school curriculum was interpretive dance and cricket... I made the mistake of pointing out how useless these were regularly. Happened right up till my last year, when he joined my dojo, and discovered that I was already a Dan grade in two martial arts (aikido and jujitsu) and working towards another art as well as training in systema and krav maga... let's just say sparing was fun, especially as I had about 20lbs and half an foot on him... TL:DR people like this get what's coming to them...