Run home

By Anonymous - 12/06/2013 14:56 - United States

Today, I ran the mile in gym class. I was the second to last person to finish, and I was left panting and feeling faint. When the teacher found out I hadn't come in dead last, he accused me of skipping a lap and is now making me rerun the entire thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 102
You deserved it 6 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rg350dx 29

The word "no" is appropriate and applicable in this situation.

fuckmylife518 15

O.O What did you do to make him hate you so much??


So... OP's teacher notices that his struggling student is putting effort into PE, and apparently improving. He precedes to punish said student. This will clearly motivate OP to succeed in the future.

If you came in second to last you really need those extra laps either way...

PE teachers can't do that. I'd know. I have asthma, so I always struggle.

Fake a fainting spell and when they come to take you to the nurse wake up and claim he forced you to do the extra laps. This will put him on the spot for being an "abusive" teacher just like coaches that push their players too hard. This stuff is actually illegal.

I had a PE teacher like that. I always came in right around last. In addition to being asthmatic, I have severe scoliosis that can really screw with my lungs. I asked him if I could walk the mile due to a particularly bad spell, and he told me, "What does it matter? You're just going to fail my class anyways." So I walked an entire mile backwards and happily took the D he ended up giving me.

shadowfighter10 9

Ydi for not being in shape. Gotta start somewhere but come on.. Also, more exercise won't hurt

TeddyLupin 4

Please don't be rude. You can be in last place without "being out of shape". You don't know this person's health status, nor should you pretend to.

Stand up for yourself. Go to the headmaster. Your PE teacher is not your boss.

If you haven't trained yourself for the stress of running it can be hard on your body. The majority of people aren't prepared to just get up and run a mile, and forcing someone into unnecessary stress is definitely not healthy. It could actually lead to some issues that could potentially be serious.