Run home

By Anonymous - 12/06/2013 14:56 - United States

Today, I ran the mile in gym class. I was the second to last person to finish, and I was left panting and feeling faint. When the teacher found out I hadn't come in dead last, he accused me of skipping a lap and is now making me rerun the entire thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 102
You deserved it 6 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rg350dx 29

The word "no" is appropriate and applicable in this situation.

fuckmylife518 15

O.O What did you do to make him hate you so much??


thenamesbrooksy 9

I understand. I almost failed gym because me and my friends stood around and ate nachos the whole class period.

What's with all these kids who blindly do whatever their teacher tells them to do? If a teacher demands you do something unreasonable, just refuse. The worst they can do is send you to the Principal or whoever, and you'll get the chance to explain why you got sent there.

And that is why I don't try in gym. That and most of the time my classmates are too competitive and take the fun away.

im sorry, ThatDemonChild, your comment is ******* stupid. "i dont want to try because everyone else is trying harder than me". my guess is that you are over weight and thats why you dont try hard. just wait until you get to the real world and get a job amd the people that work harder than you become your boss and fire ypur fat ass because you dont work hard. you are what is wrong with the world

it probably did you some good, its only a mile

nattlecakes 19

Lol that has happened to me too. I ran harder than I ever had before and he made me do an extra lap even though I was obviously really exhausted. I ended up passing out halfway through the lap.

Serlenia 3

This actually happened to me, too! I had to run 4 laps. On my third lap, I passed by someone just as I passed the gym teacher, and he didn't see me behind the other kid. So I got to run 1.25 miles and had a terrible time.

I was always a swimmer, NOT a runner. So when I had to run the mile I would always come in last or second to last. It wasn't because I wasn't athletic, it was because I was not a runner. Stop assuming you know all about a person and that they're lazy just because they can't do something as good as you can.

I hope you told him to F* off and told your parents!