
By Adan - 04/12/2012 21:34 - United States - Monroe

Today, my boss was telling everyone that he knew a guy who went to a college at which multiple people were shot and killed recently. Being extremely socially awkward and uncomfortable, I blurted, "That's awesome." Now everyone in the office is terrified of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 683
You deserved it 25 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Socially awkward and people are scared of you; I think that's quite the accomplishment.

Pyro_Wolf 17

Of all the things to say...that's what you chose to say?


Epikouros 31

On the plus side, now no one will dare to bully you for being socially awkward. Maybe you could explain you meant the original meaning of 'awesome', which was more like 'terrifying' than like 'terrific'.

Epikouros 31

(In reply to #9) He was probably thinking way too much. Plus what #11 said.

There is this odd little blue button that says 'reply'. What you do is click it on whatever comment your heart desires to reply to, type your reply, and press send. The more you know!

Epikouros 31

Chill out, comment nazis. My reply went wrong because it was blocked for being to soon after my previous comment. When I clicked "Spill the beans!" again, the link to #9 had disappeared. I couldn't delete it, but I had just enough time to add what I was replying to. I thought it would be boring to explain this in detail, but apparently it was necessary.

At least you weren't mistaken for a special needs person.

unknown_user5566 26

Now is the time to ask him for that raise you've always wanted, and to get your crappy shifts covered by your coworkers.

What!? Why would THAT be the first thing to come out of your mouth? Did the filters in your brain break or something? YDI on this one.

daringtoride 27

Not necessarily a YDI. Like someone else said, some awkward people freeze up and others like OP blurt out whatever comes to mind and actually can't help themselves at times. My younger cousin is like that and I feel awful for her because she barely has any friends.

Oh sorry about that, I kinda forgot about that "socially awkward" thing whilst commenting. Though still "that's awesome" was not the best thing to blurt, socially awkward or not. Just my personal opinion...

"All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, You better run, better run, outrun my gun." --Scary world we live in! **When people say the wrong things, why can't they correct themselves right then and there? Ex: "Oops, what I meant to say was. . ."

Should have apologized and said you meant to that that's awful. It could've worked.

You're like the idiot commenters here who say "No comment". It's much easier to keep your mouth shut and have people think you're an idiot than to open your mouth and prove it.

Some people just don't possess that "shut the hell up" gene. (We're all guilty of it at SOME small point?) It said that OP "blurted" it, so maybe they just couldnt help it. I've never done it, maybe that awkwardly loud laugh but never a word/sentence. Sometimes I just don't understand people but I must say I love how you worded your comment and more people need to realize they really don't need to proove it.

The people who thumb you down are the idiots who put "no comment".

It's ok OP everybody messes up, it just makes you look like the next Ted Bundy.

onorexveritas 23

I'm glad I'm not socially awkward that bad. o.o sorry op