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By CantBlink - 16/07/2012 18:25 - United States - Jersey City

Today, I woke up with a pimple on my eyelid. Not only is it impossible to cover up with makeup, I can't pop it either. Now I'll be spending the rest of the day trying not to blink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 693
You deserved it 2 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's okay by the end of the day you'll have broken some kind of guiness worded record for the longest held stare as well as creeped the shit out of everyone around you :)

Good idea! When in doubt, poke your eye with a needle.


Presenting the new style...the offset Unicorn.

What means is that the pimple or unicorn horn is on op's eyeball instead of her forehead like a regular pimple/unicorn horn.

giantsfan2010 23

Most likely nobody will notice

I've had a tiny zit on my eyelid for months, no one notices :)

MagicGiraffe 12

Time to bond with your favorite pair of sunglasses! B-)

you can't get a pimple on your eye lid look it up

It's okay by the end of the day you'll have broken some kind of guiness worded record for the longest held stare as well as creeped the shit out of everyone around you :)

try wearing sunglasses? I think I just figured out why people wear them inside...

icrest80 4

Lol it's because they're stoned

67- Holy shit. And I actually believed you, too. Deceiver!

One reason why they might wear sunglasses inside. Something my uncle did. Got prescription sunglasses and forgot his reg. glasses. So either not see or look like a douche.

It'll go away soon enough OP, try to ignore it. best of luck ;)

What's wrong with pimples? Almost everyone gets them at some point. By the way covering it up with make up just makes it worst.

Ah the problems teenagers face. How I wish I could go back to those ages where having a pimple on my eyelid could be considered a big deal, rather than a minor irritation.

This happened to my cousin once it stays for a few days and then you pop it.

brohamas16 7

Haha sounds like you have the rest of your day planned out

Fruitmonster2 15

Then use a needle and pop it slowly? e.e

Good idea! When in doubt, poke your eye with a needle.

13- I don't understand your sarcasm. In almost any occasion, I always shove sharp objects near my face. It doesn't usually work, but it will someday.

120- 13's sarcasm was obvious; your joke was just shit

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I've had one on the inside of my ear before. Found out when I tried to put my headphones in....OW!

You know what else sucks? I got a pimple inside my nose once. Couldn't pick my left nostril for a week.

I've had both of these happen to me, and it's the worst kind of pain. Breaking bones has nothing on nose pimples.

Nose pimples are the worst kind of pain. Breaking bones has nothing on the uncomfortableness of not being able To use a body part. I also love your picture.

I don't think you'd want to pop a pimple on your eyelid. That would hurt like a bitch.

Not only that, but the pressure applied will help to spread the bacteria as well.

It's not a pimple, dumb ****. It's a stigh.

mowmowlife 21

Excuse me but what the heck is a stigh

No, it's a stye. Who's the dumb **** now?

#18 what is a stigh? really? look it up! sheesh.

#18, It's an infection in the eyelid, or, in other words, a pimple on the eye lid.

mowmowlife 21

I got referred to 'Sty'. if you find a definition I'd be happy to read it.

It's actually spelled stye. It's like a pimple but it can take way longer to go away. It's usually from dirty makeup, not cleaning properly, & rubbing your eyes, leading to a blocked oil gland. Try getting lots of sleep & eating flax seeds. There was a girl at my school that had it for over a try and fix it.

#11 chill the **** out, have you a picture of the pimple or "stigh" (ik it's a stye btw) don't be going around and calling people "dumb *****" with no good reason

Actually, you're the dumb ****. Styes are on the inside. If its on the outside it is a pimple.

They're basically two sides of the same coin. Both are involved with dead skin cells blocking sebaceous glands, and a bacterial infection in the blocked area. You could say that when you get a blockage of the apocrine sweat glands or the sebaceous (oil) glands along the eyelashes resulting in a bacterial infection, it is a stye, sty, or hordeolum. Not a "stigh." Elsewhere, it can generally be considered a pimple. If this bacterial infection is on the hood of OP's eyelid (on the part that becomes exposed when you close your eyes), I would say that it was a pimple. I have gotten these once or twice. If it is on the edge of OP's eyelid along the eyelashes (as described above), I would say it is a stye.

@tkay: I don't understand why you're getting thumbed down... is it because you gave a website that proved someone wrong?

No good sir I believe it is called a "pye"

jellycorn 13

Erm.. If we're still on the topic of getting rid of styes, the woman in the pharmacy told me to just put warm water on a cotton ball or something and hold it on the eye. If this is helpful. It seemed to work, anyway.

your very first comment was...this?! you should be ashamed...

If you're going to go ahead and make a "witty" comment, at least spell it right, dumbass. It's spelt stye.