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By crazyautio - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while at work, a lady with a mustache came in and told me she was lost. I was happy to help, but could not stop rubbing my nose due to allergies. As she left, she said, "I know I have a mustache you little ass" and stormed out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 223
You deserved it 3 044

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she knows she has one why doesn't she wax it?!

You should have told her "hold on, i mustache you a question".


DarkHelmet 10

You should've said "I like the way you got that lined up"

Damn. If I were OP I would invest in some Reactin.

MrBrightside21 20

2 - That wouldn't be very nice at all... You little ass. *storms out*

LilCheeno 15

I'm pretty sure it was from the movie Friday.

TriflingAllDay 6

If she knows she has one why doesn't she wax it?!

My friend had a mustache which was super obvious then she waxed it and all was well. I think the woman should consider it.

YourEvilHero 12

I think women look beautiful in mustaches. In fact more women should have them. ;)

BandWagonGuy 8

Evilhero has different interests and thats ok....

Skin sensitivity can play a part in hair removal treatment, particularly the face. Being a female with noticeable facial hair is the worst thing in the world; you feel hideous but there's not much you can do, it's generally a hormonal imbalance you were born with. Imagine being a woman and having to shave/wax your face every ******* day. Maybe she can't afford laser treatment. Whatever the reason, **** HER life.

Swiftie 0

I have sensitive skin, therefore I can't tolerate waxing or threading on my "mustache". I use the regular creams you rub on the hairy area, then wipe it away with a damp towel. It's much easier, not painful at all, and a cheaper alternative.

bguerrero 14

Where do you get that stuff?

Maybe she went to the store to buy a razor.

daisiebud 18

Maybe she can't afford it? Also, she's probably really self-conscious about it. I know, for me, I didn't pluck my eyebrows for a long time because I was worried it'd be really obvious, and it'd just draw attention to it. I guess, I was more worried about people thinking my eyebrows bothered me. My reaction wasn't a normal one, though, I realize...

Magical tissues that can help stop allergies? Where can I get some?!

Ever had bad allergies? Tissues don't help.

Allergies vary from person to person. OP might not even get a sniffly nose. I get allergies, but they just make my nose itchy and red. Tissues ain't going to get rid of the redness.

You'll never see her again, don't sweat it. You didn't do anything wrong and hey, now you can laugh at the situation like the rest of us.

He/She might see her again! I really embarrased myself infront of a really hot guy not long ago and thought to myself 'Oh well i will never see him again' I saw him a couple of weeks after :/

KiddNYC1O 20

You'll never see me again-n-n-n, I'm not gonna cry for youu.

You should have told her "hold on, i mustache you a question".

jellycorn 13

Eyebrows the Internet for waxing techniques.

Did anyone else read 7's comment in a Sean Connery voice?

mashimarox 12

if shes that insecure about it she should just wax or shave it lol

See #40's comment, you insensitive bag of shit.

MartinAlex 1

When he made the comment there was no Comment #40, silly.

ArielTheMermaid 17

42, #10 did absolutely nothing wrong. It's not like everyone goes through and reads each comment before posting their own. And we don't know for sure if the lady has sensitive skin or not. If she doesn't, she could easily get a waxing.

How is this anything like that. He's not offering to pay for her to wax her upper lip. Perhaps she can't afford it. For me to keep my eyebrow "socially acceptable", I would have to get then waxed almost every week, at $15 dollars a pop. That's just not feasible for me since I'm a student. Also, I can't tweeze or wax them myself cause the fine motor skills in one hand are paralyzed. The reason he's insensitive is because he's telling her just to wax, flat out, without any regard for her circumstances.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

maybe she's scared of the whole "it'll grow back thicker and darker" crap, which is completely false...

KM96 24

She's obviously experienced a situation like this before and took it the wrong way, maybe. But maybe you could have done something more ... But what happened, happened. Sorry for you OP that it worked out like it did.

YakuzaxGeneralz 9

I hope you are not trying to be sexy in your profile pic. I really hope you aren't.

So much thought was put into this comment.

Should of retorted, ever heard of a razor or wax?

ifoundalaska 11

A razor for a woman? Not a great idea.

...I can see that leading to another FML situation where OP gets fired. Usually not the best idea to insult customers at your workplace.

Anyone else notice 16s pic. Very appropriate for this FML.