Seize the means of production

By vikts - 29/05/2012 17:52 - Luxembourg - Olm

Today, I discovered that as thanks for my successful efforts to increase my company's monthly revenue, my dumbass of a boss has been awarded a pay bonus. He's wasted no time telling everyone about the sports car he's planning to buy with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 347
You deserved it 1 956

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eddyg94 11

Pretend to be on his side, and advise him to get the girliest sports car you can find! Sit back and enjoy the result...

Angelrose2004 17

I love how bosses always get credit for an employee's hard work. But when it comes to bad work, it's the employees fault. Sorry, OP.


thatoneguy79 10

OP: I'm glad that you were able to stick it out in that mascot costume; I understand they are not for the weak of heart. And your dancing obviously paid off by increasing the store's revenue. Great work! What your boss did not tell you, because he wants it to be a surprise, is that he is actually buying a bus, so he can go around and give everyone rides to work. Company-provided transportation, at his expense. He's just trying to share the wealth.

unknown_user5566 26

This message is approved by the Original Angry Bird Foundation.

PYLrulz 17

Sounds like the premise of a Dilbert comic... Say hi to Wally for me, he's an inspiration to me.

unknown_user5566 26

Welcome to the reality of working. Somehow it seems that all the lazy people end up making bank, while those who do the "grunt" work get screwed.

Welcome to the working world. Do good work and they'll shit on you, and expect you to eat it with a smile.

Making your boss look good is always a good thing. It makes him more likely to get promoted, and when he gets promoted, he'll try to move you up with him.

Keep working hard for now even if other assholes get the glory and then when you work your way up you can be the new asshole and have a nice car.

SwtCherryPie 26

It really sucks that happened but you almost should have expected your boss to take the credit.

I'm sure it all your doing that the company did so well.